termcap entry for sun/sun-cmd

Michael Morse mmorse at nsf.gov
Wed Jun 5 04:40:00 AEST 1991

It appears that sun has changed the values of kd, kr, kl, and ku
in the termcap entry for a "sun console" between the SunOS that runs
on my 386i and the SunOS that runs on our Sparc2.  Perhaps I'm missing
something, but it appears that rlogin between these hosts is going to
result in a broken termcap.  Why would they do this!  Shouldn't they
have used a different name?


Michael Morse                           Internet: mmorse at note.nsf.gov
National Science Foundation               BITNET: mmorse at NSF
1800 G St. N.W.   Room 401             Telephone: (202) 357-7659
Washington, D.C.  20550                      FAX: (202) 357-7663

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