sunview on 2 monitors (I want to launch in A to run on B)

Bruce Allen ballen at
Wed Jun 5 04:40:00 AEST 1991

This question concerns using sunview on a two-headed (two monitor)
system.  I am running sunview on both monitors, and using
adjacentscreens so the mouse can switch between them.  I have
a short sunview application that I have written.  This application
writes to stdout (which is the command tool from which the application
was launched).  I wish to start this application from a cmdtool on
monitor A, and have it write its standard output into that cmdtool.
However I would like it to open its base frame window and associated
subwindows on monitor B.  Is there an easy way to do this?  I would
be happy to modify the frame=window_create(NULL,FRAME,...)
call in my code, if that might accomplish what I desire.
		Bruce Allen (ballen at

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