OW 2.0 and Type 4 keyboard problems?
Larry W. Virden ext. 2487
lwv27%CAS.BITNET at ohstvma.acs.ohio-state.edu
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991
I seem to remember reading some postings from folks who were trying to
get programs under OW 2.0 shelltool to generate unique escape sequences
for the +, Enter, Del and Ins keys on the Type 4 keypad keys.
Could you drop me a note describing what you were trying to do and
what you have decided to do about the problem? Thanks!
Larry W. Virden UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!lwv27
Same Mbox: BITNET: lwv27 at cas INET: lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu
Personal: 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg,OH 43068-1614
America Online: lvirden
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