PATCH #1016692 urgently needed
Alexandros BEHRAKIS
Fri Jun 28 06:22:00 AEST 1991
I have a big problem with SUNLINK DNI 6.0.
I have been told by Oracle Support that SUNLINK is supposed to have a bug
which makes it impossible to connect to another database through SQL*net DECnet.
(The problem report they have describes exactly the same problems I face and
I trust Oracle Hellas (Greece) Support enough.)
The bug number is : #1016692
My configuration (which is not important in this case) :
SQL*net : V1.2, RDBMS : 6.0.27 on a SUN 3 (3/280 and 3/50) running SunOS 4.0.3
and SUNLINK DNI 6.0.
What I need is the patch. I would appreciated VERY VERY match if
anyone could send it to me. SUN Hellas has just been created and they
aren't fast enough. I have a limited ability to use Internet so if there is
an anonymous ftp site for patches like this I would like to be informed.
I am on a VAX cluster running Jnet and I can convert almost any format you
send me.
Please reply directly to me as not all the postings arrive on time.
Appreciating your help (I am in a real harry),
thank you in advance.
(Forgive double postings. It has been send to oracle-l and sun-spots)
Alexandros BEHRAKIS
Network Specialist
Computer Technology Institute
Patras, GREECE
E-mail: BEHRAKIS at GRPATVX1.BITNET (preffered)
behrakis at ermhs.uucp
Computer Technology Institute
P.O. BOX 1122
Attn: Alexandros Behrakis
tel: (+3061) 997 585
fax: (+3061) 991 909
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