C++/sparc : problem with <stdarg.h>
Michael Joosten
joost at cadlab.de
Thu Jun 13 05:40:00 AEST 1991
Well, there are two solutions:
1) Either you cope around the problem, as demonstrated in NIHCL (Class.c)
by renaming the last parameter before the ellipsis to
2) Or you do the Right Thing: Solve the problem. But this is
machine-dependent (better: RISC-dependent) and you have to patch the
cfront sources. I have done it one DECStation a year ago (cfront 1.2) and
for a Pyramid and a SPARC last month for cfront 2.0 .
Short Description:
The MIPS and Sun-SPARC compiler recognize their 'magic word'
(__builtin_va_alist for SPARC, va_alist for MIPS) and emit code to copy
the input window/registers into contigous memory, i.e. the stack, so that
va_arg could extract whatever it wants.
(Sorry, no diffs, I don't have the originals handy...)
First what AT&T forgot: Set the right preprocessor flags in CC. The
(undocumented, of course) variable 'Y' keeps the flags for the
preprocessor, while 'X' is responsible for the 'cc' flags. One should do
this for other machines, too !
Here are my adds in bin/CC:
Y="-Dsun -Dsparc -Dunix -D__BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR" # forgotten by AT&T... for SUN4
Don't forget to delete the statement 'Y=' in the block around line 65:
C= EE=0 FON= XON= O=
PON= R= SUF= X= Y= <------------ !!!
Z= E=0 OF= P=
Now the changes for stargs:
#ifndef va_start
#ifdef pyr
typedef int va_buf[3];
typedef va_buf *va_list;
extern "C" {
extern void _vastart(va_list, char*);
extern char *_vaarg(va_list, int);
#define va_start(ap, parmN) {\
va_buf _va;\
_vastart(ap = (va_list)_va, (char *)&parmN + sizeof parmN)
#define va_end(ap) }
#define va_arg(ap, mode) *((mode *)_vaarg(ap, sizeof (mode)))
typedef char *va_list;
#define va_end(ap)
#ifdef sparc
#define va_start(ap, parmN) \
(ap = ((char *) &(parmN) + (((sizeof (parmN) + \
sizeof (int) - 1) / sizeof (int)) * sizeof (int))))
# define va_arg(list,mode) ((mode*)__builtin_va_arg_incr((mode *)list))[0]
# define va_arg(list,mode) ((mode *)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1]
extern "C" void *__builtin_va_arg_incr(...);
#ifdef u370
#define va_start(ap, parmN) ap =\
(char *) ((int)&parmN + 2*sizeof(parmN) - 1 & -sizeof(parmN))
#define va_arg(ap, mode) ((mode *)(ap = \
(char *) ((int)ap + 2*sizeof(mode) - 1 & -sizeof(mode))))[-1]
#ifdef hp9000s800
#define va_start(ap, parmN) (ap = (char *)&parmN + sizeof(parmN),(void)va_arg(ap,int))
#define va_arg(ap, mode) ((mode *)(ap = (char *)((int)(ap-sizeof(mode)) & ~(sizeof(mode)-1))))[0]
#define va_start(ap, parmN) ap = (char *)( &parmN+1 )
#define va_arg(ap, mode) ((mode *)(ap += sizeof(mode)))[-1]
And now a patch for print2.c:
In method fct::dcl_print(), add/replace the following at the end:
else {
// print argument names followed by argument type declarations:
if (body && Cast==0) {
for (nn=at; nn;) {
if (nn=nn->n_list) puttok(CM); else break;
#ifdef pyr
if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) putstring(",__0va0,__0va1,_
#ifdef mips
if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) {
putst(",va_alist) int va_alist;");
} else
#ifdef sparc
if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) {
putst(",__builtin_va_alist) int __builtin_va_ali
} else
Good Luck Michael
| Michael Joosten | Tel. : (+49) (+) 5251-284 120 |
| CADLAB | Fax : (+49) (+) 5251-284 140 |
| Bahnhofstr. 32 | E-Mail: joost at cadlab.uucp |
| D-4790 Paderborn | joost at cadlab.cadlab.de |
| FRG | ...!uunet!unido!cadlab!joost |
| | Mass mail to: joost at pbinfo.uni-paderborn.de |
| Michael Joosten | Tel. : (+49) (+) 5251-284 120 |
| CADLAB | Fax : (+49) (+) 5251-284 140 |
| Bahnhofstr. 32 | E-Mail: joost at cadlab.uucp |
| D-4790 Paderborn | joost at cadlab.cadlab.de |
| FRG | ...!uunet!unido!cadlab!joost |
| | Mass mail to: joost at pbinfo.uni-paderborn.de |
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