Keeping your SMD disks when upgrading to SPARCserver-490

Joe Smith jms at
Wed Jun 5 04:40:00 AEST 1991

A while back I asked if anyone else had upgraded to a SPARCserver-490 and
kept their SMD disks (such as the 892 megabyte NEC or Hitachi).  One of
the reasons for posting was to make sure that others were aware that it
could be done, since I had heard many complaints when Sun first announced
the 490, and not much when they announced the SMD fix.

The "Sun-3/280 to SPARCserver-490" upgrade lists of $42,000 in the July-90
pricebook.  The customer returns:
	Sun-3/280 backplane
	Sun-3/280 CPU board
	Sun-3/280 memory
	SCSI host adapter and cable.
The customer receives:
	SPARCserver 490 rack
	SPARCserver 490 CPU board
	SPARCserver 490 memory (32 Mbytes)
	SCSI host adapter and cable.
The customer retains a partially gutted 72-inch rack, which may contain disk
drives, a 1/2-inch tape drive, and various expansion boards.

The following boards do not work in the 490:
	Second Ethernet controller (450A = ie1)

The following boards DO work in the 490:
	Second Ethernet controller (452A = ie2)
	ALM-2 16-line async interface
	MCP 4-line sync interface

The price book said: "SMD controllers and disks are not supported.  The
1600-bpi and 6250-bpi 1/2-inch tape drives and controllers are not

However, during 1Q91 Sun announced that they now ARE supported.
It seems that they had a problem on the 490 CPU card that prevented
the use of XD disks and XT tapes.  That problem has been solved.

The upgrade kit and cables are:
	UPG-SMD4-KIT  $300.00  Upgrade kit (1 per controller)
	#530-1475     $155.00  SMD Data Cable 6.0 meters (1 or 2)
	#530-1476     $145.00  SMD Command cable 6.0 meters (1)
	#530-1691     $185.00  GCR Command/Data cable (2 per controller)

Note: The "Upgrade Kit" is for the Xylogics SMD4 controller (410A) and
is a set of ROMs, that are not needed if you have an up-to-date disk
controller.  Make sure someone checks your hardware before ordering it.

The cables are each 20 feet (6 meters) long, and replace the 8 foot
cables in the 280 chassis.  A single XD controller with two 892 megabyte
disks needs 1 command cable and 1 data cable.  If the controller has four
disks, it needs 1 command cable and 2 data cables.  The Xylogics "XT" tape
controller needs 2 cables.

Our current configuration is
	SPARCserver 490 with 32 Mbytes memory
	SCSI controller for Exabyte/8mm tape (st1) and CD-ROM (sr0)
	IPI controller with four 900 Mbyte disks (expandable to 8 disks)
	MCP 4-port sync board running a 56Kbps
	ALM-2 16-port async board (most ports running at 9600 or 4800 baud)
	2nd Ethernet controller, model 452A (ie2)
	Xylogics tape controller with 1/2-inch drive (xt0)
	1st Xylogics SMD4 disk controller (xd0 and xd1)
	2nd Xylogics SMD4 disk controller (xd4 and xd5)

We have had not problems with the set-up, other than the spurious message
"xt0: stray interrupt" coming out on the console whenever the disk and tape
are active at the same time.

The following is a summary of the responses I've received.
From: "Ric Anderson" <ric at>
Received: by; Wed, 27 Mar 91 07:22:19 MST
To: jms at
Subject: Re: Anyone using SMD disks on your new SPARCserver-490?

We run a similar config (1 IPI controller with 2 IPI disks, 1
XY7053 (smd4) controller with 2 1.6GB Fuji M2392K disks, and
a SCSI tape drive that came from sun with the 490).

The people having problems (like one of the folks here on 
campus) have a XT452(?) tape controller mixed with SMD4 disks.
You get "spurious interrupt" messages when the tape and
disks are both busy (like during backup) but it doesn't seem
to hurt anything (at least, that's how the folks over in
the observatory see it).

We haven't seen any problems with our config.  I think I remember
reading about machines made after last october(?) had newer
microcode and wouldn't exhibit the problem, but I can't find
that article anywhere.

Hope this helps,
ric (ric at
From: km at (Ken Mandelberg)

Yes we are doing this too, in fact on two different 490s. The official
line is that you need a rev 12 cpu, the latest smd-4 firmware, and
4.1.1 for it to work. Although we have that now, we did run for a few
weeks with an older rev cpu with no apparent problem. In fact we even
ran with a xy451 which is supposed to be unsupported.

The only two problems we have seen are:

1) Apparently the total number of IPI+SMD+XT controllers can not exceed
4. The Sun doc only explicitly says this for IPI+SMD, but we have found
that  1*IPI+2*SMD+1*XT works, but 1*IPI+2*SMD+2*XT does not (without
deleting one of the controllers).

2) We have a removable pack SMD, that needs to be spun up and down. It
panics the system ocassionally when we do this, though it didn't when
the drive was on a 4/280 running 4.1.
From: mtm at CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (Mike Macgirvin)

	There is a firmware upgrade kit which Sun just released around
January which they support. This includes a PAL swap on the CPU board,
but the swap is not needed if the board is 501-1381-12 or greater. It
also requires a PROM change on the Xy 7053 board to work right, although
the PAL alone (or a recent CPU) should allow the tape to work. Without
the new PROM, I *think* that you will be subject to an intermittent bug,
which was the whole reason for the upgrade. It 'sort of' works, but our
department can't live with 'sort of'. If you want, I can dig up the order
number for the firmware upgrade..... I'm still trying to find out if this
upgrade supports the older Xylogics 450/451 boards. We have installed one
kit and tested the tape, but haven't yet installed the disk drives...
	In my opinion, ordering the kit was a small price to pay to get Sun's 
blessing on this configuration. Although it may appear to work otherwise, it
is not supported.
From: danw at tbird9 (Dan Westerberg)
To: jms at (Joe Smith)
Subject: Re: Anyone using SMD disks on your new SPARCserver-490?

I don't know about the 4/490 setup, but according to our rep, Sun will drop
SMD support (with SVR4?) sometime in the Fall of '91.  This means that you 
should have plans to do away with all SMD disks by the Spring of '92.
From: ekrell at (Eduardo Krell)

We upgraded a 4/280 to a 4/490 and we kept a 1.2GB Sabre disk we bought
for the 4/280 and the SMD-4 (aka 7053) controller. They both work just fine.
From: zeke at mpl.UCSD.EDU (Rob Scott)

We run LOTS of SMD disks on our 4/490s here.  We have 12 gigabytes on one
machine (4x1.2 gig Sabre-V, and 4x2.1 gig Sabre-VI), and 12 gigabytes on
the other (12x1.2 gig Sabre-V).  These are all on Xylogics 7053-106

Sun certainly has SMD4 (Xylogics 7053-105) configuration info in the 
backplane configuration manual.  While they are not touting the SMD
interface, things certainly seem to work.  I seem to remember some
vague prohibition against trying to boot from an SMD, but that may
be just a red herring.

I think that SUNs push for IPI on the big servers is twofold: 
	1) the IPI disks are faster, and SUN wouldn't want the world
		to think that their servers are slow.
	2) there are a limited number of manufacturers for IPI
		interface drives.  Seagate/Imprimis, who supply the
		drives that SUN sells, were only selling to SUN for
		a while and the same drives weren't available from
		the normal aftermarket suppliers.  This equates to
		paying the (usual) computer vendor's highway robbery
		rates to buy the megabytes from them.
From: raleduc at (Roch Leduc)
To: jms at
Subject: Upgrading a 4/280 to a 4/490
Cc: jms at, raleduc at, rpburry at

We are faced with stonewalling from sun saying that were we to upgrade
to any of the 300 or 400 series SPARCservers we would lose all existing
equipment (controllers and both tape and disks).  Their claim is that
all our present equipment (except memory) is incompatible.  Your upgrade 
disputes that.  Also they claim an outrageous cost for the upgrade.
From: flash at sunvice.East.Sun.COM (John J. McLaughlin-SunFlash Editor)

SunFLASH Vol 25 #14					        January 1991 
   Upgrades from Sun-3/280, 3/480, and 4/280 to SPARCserver490

	- SPARCserver490 compute performance
	- Protect investment in SMD disk, tape & communications options
	- Supports simultaneous use of SMD & IPI Disk Controllers
	- Includes 32MB memory, expandable to 672Mb configurations
	- Includes CDROM drive

In August 1990 Sun announced that technical problems had been
discovered with Sun's upgrades from Sun-3/280, 3/480, and 4/280 to
SPARCserver490.  Specifically, there were spurious interrupt
problems in some tests of SMD (575MB and 892 MB) disk drives and GCR
6250bpi tape drives on the upgrades to SPARCserver 490.

Sun engineers have identified the source of the problems and developed
solutions to address them.  In order to support the SPARCserver490
configurations, the following are required:
	(1) SunOS 4.1.1 (FCS version),
	(2) CPU dash level of -12 or above,
	(3) SMD4 controllers dash level -04 or above, and
	(4) for FCC compliance, extended interface cables.

In addition to providing support for SMD disk drives, the SPARCserver490
upgrades support Sun VME cards and tape options, including the 6250bpi
1/2" Tape Drive.

The upgrades to SPARCserver490 feature 32MB memory standard, expandable
to 672MB.  The system supports a total of four disk controllers in any
combination of IPI and SMD drives.  The upgrade provides maximum
configuration flexibility to existing SMD server customers.


SMD4 Controllers:
	The SMD4 Controller must be at dash level -04 to support SMD
	drives with upgrades to SPARCserver490.  The SMD4 Firmware
	Enhancement Kit (see detailed ordering information in this
	announcement) includes the firmware necessary to make this
	modification and the filler panels necessary to maintain
	emissions compliance.

	Extended interface cables for existing 575MB, 892MB SMD disk
	drives, and for the 6250bpi 1/2" tape drive  are required to
	remain FCC compliant.

	The cables are available as spares and can be ordered as
	separate line items (see detailed ordering information in this
	announcement).  The number of cables required is dependent on
	the number of controllers on the server.

Monochrome Support:
	For server upgrades from Sun-3/280 and Sun-4/280 that require
	support of a monochrome monitor option, order the monochrome
	frame buffer upgrade as a separate line item.


Description		Order		List		Discount       Same Day
			Number		Price		Category	Service

Sun-3/480 Upgrade to	UG3/480-R32	$42,000		A		$190
SPARCserver 490 with 	(V3, V4)
32 Mbytes, 644-Mbyte
Internal SunCD

Sun-4/280 Upgrade to	UG4/280-R32	$42,000		A		$190
SPARCserver 490 with 	(V3, V4)
32 Mbytes, 644-Mbyte
Internal SunCD

SMD4 Firmware 		UG-SMD4-KIT	$300		ND		$0
Enhancement Kit

#530-1475		Data Cable	$155		ND		$0
			892Mb SMD Disk

#530-1476		Command Cable	$145		ND		$0
			892Mb SMD Disk

#530-1691		Command/Data
			Cable GCR Tape	$185		ND		$0

#530-1692		Data Cable	$155		ND		$0
			575Mb SMD Disk

#530-1693		Command Cable	$195		ND		$0
			575Mb SMD Disk

SPARCsystem 400 Mono-   UG-MFB-S        $400            A		$0
chrome frame buffer

Ordering Instructions:

1.  	Upgrades to SPARCserver490 require SunOS 4.1.1 or later release;
	order USPA-07 or USX-21 at no charge if media is required.
	Note:  The RTU license transfers with the purchase of a
	hardware upgrade.

2.	To support 575Mb and 892Mb SMD drives, or the 6250bpi 1/2" Tape Drive
	on SPARCserver490, order UG-SMD4-KIT.

	Note: To retrofit existing systems to SMD funtionality, the CPU
	must be at dash -12 or above.   Contact your local service
	office for information on updating the CPU.  The firmware for
	updating the SMD4 controller is included in UG-SMD4-KIT.

3.      To cable existing 575Mb drives, order one #530-1692 data cable
	and one #530-1693 command cable per controller.

4.      To cable existing 892Mb drives, order one #530-1475 data cable
	and one #530-1476 command cable per controller.  If more than
	two disk drives are driven by one controller, an additional
	data cable will need to be ordered for each controller.

5.      To cable existing 1/2" 6260bpi Tape drives, order two #530-1691
	data/command cables.

6.  	Order IPI drives and controllers as separate line items.

7.  	Order additional memory as a separate line item.

8.	SPARCserver 490 systems are only available in 230V domestic
	operation and 240V European operation.  Append "V3" to the
	order number for 230V; append "V4" to the order number for

9.  	Order UG-MFB-S for all Sun-3/280 and Sun-4/280 systems with a
	monochrome monitor frame buffer upgrade.


1.  Only Sun memory may be returned.
2.  The Sysgen SCSI tape drive controller is not supported.
3.  GB, GP, CG3, CG9 and GP+ frame buffers and graphics processors
	are not supported.
4.  FPA+, FPA floating point are not supported.
5.  ALM-1 and SCP communication devices are not supported.
6.  1600-bpi 1/2" tape drives and controllers are not supported.
7.  ECC memory is not supported with the SPARCserver490 CPU.
8.  Second Ethernet Controller (450A) is not supported; SunNet Ethernet
	(452A) is supported.
9.  Current SCSI Host Adapter is replaced with the upgrade.

For information send mail to info-sunflash at sunvice.East.Sun.COM.
Subscription requests should be sent to sunflash-request at sunvice.East.Sun.COM.
John McLaughlin, SunFlash editor, flash at sunvice.East.Sun.COM. (305) 776-7770.
Joe Smith (408)922-6220 | SMTP: jms at or jms at
BT Tymnet Tech Services | UUCP: ...!{ames,pyramid}!oliveb!tymix!tardis!jms
PO Box 49019, MS-C51    | BIX: smithjoe | CA license plate: "POPJ P," (PDP-10)
San Jose, CA 95161-9019 | humorous dislaimer: "My Amiga 3000 speaks for me."

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