Sun 3/50 monitor <==> Mac 2-page Display

Michael Ngo htn at
Sat Mar 16 08:44:00 AEST 1991

I posted an inquiry a while back regarding the use of Sun 3/50 monitor as
a dual page display for Macintosh machine. Since then, I received a lot of
mails from people who are looking for the same thing. Thus, I'm posting my
finding back on the network to let them know, rather than responding to
each and every one.

Mr. Johnson (@ Sun Microsystem), was kindly enough to point me to the
right source. The company name is Lapis Technology located in Alameda, CA.
They make nubus board call the Display Server which allows you to use a
wide variety of monitor types with the Macintosh, including the Sun

Follow is an summary of Display Server Product spec sheet:

	o Features:
		Supports PC, Apple, and many other monitors, including full
		page displays, dual page displays and overhead projection.

		Field programmable LCA configures during start-up

		Dual screen software allows internal monitor to be used together
		with the external monitor.

	o Current Supported Monitors

		-------------	----------	---------	---------
		Mono TTL	528x350		18.4 KHz	50 Hz
		Apple 12" Mono	640x480		35.0 KHz	65 Hz
		Apple 13" RGB	640x480		35.0 KHz	65 Hz
		Apple portrait	640x872		68.85 KHz	75 Hz

		Apple dual pg	1152x872	68.5 KHz	75 Hz
		Dual Page	1152x872	63.2 KHz	75.7 Hz
		Dual Page	1024x872	64.7 KHz	78 Hz
	Sun ==> Dual Page	1152x910	62.5 KHz	66.7 Hz
		Full Page	640x872		62.75 KHz	68 Hz

		Multi Sync	640x480		30.0 KHz	60 Hz
		VGA		640x480		31.5 KHz	60 Hz
		LCD Pannel	640x320		31.5 KHz	60 Hz
		LCD Pannel	640x350		21.5 KHz	60 Hz

Their sale representative is Susan Tussy and her number is (415) 748-1612.

I just ordered the SE Display Server model SE-DPD and should be receiving it
within a few days.

Good Luck,
Mike N.

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