Exabyte 8200 drives

Bob Rogers auspex!brogers at uunet.uu.net
Sat Mar 23 06:20:20 AEST 1991

I am trying to get accurate information regarding Exabyte performance and
reliability. The factory tells me that the numbers we are seeing are not
typical and that the users out there love them. I see something about
Exabyte on the net on a weekly basis. Most of it seems to relate to tape
usage. I am interested in information from users on the mechanical
reliability of the drives. Do you have a lot of failures that require you
returning the drive? Do you see a lot of restartable failures?

Please email your answers. If people are interested in a summary I will
post it.

UUCP: ...!{uunet,sun}!auspex!brogers                            (408) 492-0900
USPS: Bob Rogers/ Auspex Systems/ 2952 Bunker Hill Lane/ Santa Clara, CA 95054

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