SunOS 4.2?

jipping at jipping at
Sat Mar 16 08:44:00 AEST 1991

> I am trying to gauge when Sun will be releasing 4.2 as I have several
> boards which are OS version dependent and have to pay real money to the
> vendors for upgrades of their drivers when Sun releases major (and
> sometimes minor) OS upgrades.  Has anyone heard whether Sun is planning a
> 4.2 release within the next several months?

According to Sun officials at the SUG meeting in December, the next SunOS
release will be an SvR4 compatible release.  This will be a major release,
and will be out in developer form in fall 1991, in user form winter

This is something like SunOS 5.0 -- thus there will be no 4.2.  Your
rumors may vary.  I'm reporting what Sun folks said at SUG.

      Mike Jipping
      Hope College Department of Computer Science
      jipping at  (BITNET: JIPPING at HOPE)

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