uudecode alias security hole?

Jonathan I. Kamens jik at athena.mit.edu
Mon Dec 3 09:18:18 AEST 1990

In article <109516 at convex.convex.com>, tchrist at convex.com (Tom Christiansen) writes:
|> I seem to recall that there's a security hole involved with
|> make an alias of "decode" in /usr/lib/aliases to go to 
|> "|/usr/bin/uudecode", but I don't recall how it runs.  If
|> anyone knows the problem (if one exists), could you please
|> fill me in?

  (Note for those of you who are going to read this response and then flame me
for posting a security hole to the network.... This security hole is
well-known.  Any vendor that still has it in its default configuration should
have all of its officers flayed alive.  Any system administrator who has a
decode alias in his aliases file without also modifying sendmail to solve the
security problems described below has no one to blame by himself (and his
vendor, possibly, but see above :-).  I don't believe in security by
obscurity, especially when the security problem in question is already as
well-known as this one is.)

  Installing an alias such as that in your aliases file will enable anyone to
replace any file on your machine with any other file of their choosing.  This
is because of a combination of two different bugs.

  The first is that sendmail will run setuid to some specific default UID
whenever processing a pipe in an alias.  Therefore, the uudecode that is run
by the decode alias will be able to write to any directory that the default
alias UID can write to.  If you're smart, you make that UID something like
"daemon," and you make sure that daemon has write access to as few important
directories as possible.  Keep in mind, however, that it probably is going to
have access to things like the printer spool directories.  Bad news.

  The other is that when sendmail gets mail that it thinks was sent from the
local host, any pipes in aliases to which that mail is sent will run setuid to
to replace one of jruser's files, I simply send a bogus mail message to
"decode" that will make sendmail think it was sent by jruser, and the uudecode
will be run as jruser and will be able to replace any file to which jruser has
write access.

  One way to get around these problems is to modify sendmail so that it
doesn't do the setuid stuff described in the previous paragraph, and to make
sure that the default UID that aliases are run as doesn't have any special
privileges anywhere.

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				11 Ashford Terrace
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU				Allston, MA  02134
Office: 617-253-8085			      Home: 617-782-0710

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