Verifying Tape Writes

Mark A. Emanuele emanuele at overlf.UUCP
Mon Dec 3 05:21:57 AEST 1990

In article <528 at mermaid.Litle.Com>, tom at mermaid.Litle.Com (Tom Hampton) writes:
> We had thought that printing out a catalog of a tape's
> contents prooved that the tape would be restoreable:
> cpio -itvB </dev/tape
> In practice, we have found that the above commamd completes
> with success (repeatably) in instances where the tape proved
> (repeatably) unrestoreable.
> Any suggestions?

Try good old dd
It will tell you if the tape is readable all the way to the end.

I use this to verify formatted disks for readability.

dd if=/dev/tape of=/dev/null

This should work (I think).

Mark A. Emanuele
V.P. Engineering  Overleaf, Inc.
500 Route 10 Ledgewood, NJ 07852-9639         attmail!overlf!emanuele
(201) 927-3785 Voice   (201) 927-5781 fax     emanuele at overlf.UUCP

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