Managing unix complexes

Jeff Portser jef at
Sat Dec 1 03:35:24 AEST 1990

>I am looking for tools/packages that help operators
>and system administrators to manage their unix systems.
>For example packages that help in the area of:
>	Problem management
>	Change management
>	User administration and Security
>	Disk backup
>	Migration/Recall of unused data to/from for example tapes
>	Configuration management
>	Performance and Capacity management
>	Accounting
>If you know packages, either coming with a particular unix flavor, or
>just general available packages, please let me know about it.
>If a package only works for specific unix systems please specify for which
>Any suggestions are welcome.

Please post a summary or send mail to me?  

(Thanks to Charles)

USMail:   OTA Limited Partnership, One Manhattanville Rd. Purchase, N.Y. 10577
Phone:	  +1 914 694-5800	FAX:	+1 914 694-5831 
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Internet: jef at

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