Advice on change of tape drive please.

Dave Olson olson at
Sat Dec 1 10:42:30 AEST 1990

In <1990Nov26.123048.21002 at> benson at (Benson I. Margulies) writes:
| In article <1990Nov24.124017.11376 at virtech.uucp> cpcahil at virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
| >In article <OPERATOR.90Nov20104952 at> operator at (Sue Charles) writes:
| >
| >You will be able to use the DC600A tapes.  Depending upon which device
| >you used to write them (/dev/rst8 writes in QIC-24 format, if I remember 
| >correctly) you should be able to read them on the new drive.
| >
| >If you erase the DC600A, you will also be able to use it for writing on 
| >the QIC-150 drive.  The output will be written in QIC120 format (which 
| >will give you 120MB per tape).
| >
| Not all tape drives seems to support QIC120 format. Not all tape
| drives give write errors when writing tapes on the DC600A if they
| don't support QIC120. I am not at all certain about the ARCHIVE VIPER
| 150 on my solbourne, or the wangtek. Best to perform read tests.

The Archive Viper 150 definitely reads all 3 of QIC24, 120, and 150.
In addition, it writes QIC120, and QIC150.  Detection of cartridge
and type type is automatic.

	Dave Olson

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