Different uses of the 5th field of the passwd file.

Sam Bassett RCS samlb at pioneer.arc.nasa.gov
Tue Nov 6 15:51:08 AEST 1990

	As far as I know, every UNIX implemetation handles the so-called
GCOS field differently -- the Ultrix 'finger' command uses the info there
to produce display one way, Suns do it another, and SGI machines yet a
third.  There is really no "standard" meaning for the contents of this
field -- it is just "sorta used for names".

Sam'l Bassett, Sterling Software @ NASA Ames Research Center, 
Moffett Field CA 94035 Work: (415) 604-4792;  Home: (415) 969-2644
samlb at well.sf.ca.us                     samlb at ames.arc.nasa.gov 
<Disclaimer> := 'Sterling doesn't _have_ opinions -- much less NASA!'

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