tar or cpio, which is better?

James Watt zsinwatt at qut.edu.au
Tue Nov 20 06:50:41 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov15.154616.27759 at viewlogic.com>,
sparks at power.viewlogic.com (Alan Sparks) writes:

> Which version of cpio are you running?  The cpio man page on the
> Sun here says, "cpio does not support multiple volume tapes."
> (unquote).
> -Alan
> -- 

There is a utility called PAX available from SIMTEL-20 which reads and
writes cpio and tar and supports multivolume tapes. As well as 
supporting the old formats it also supports POSIX extensions. I believe 
PAX conforms to IEEE 1003.2 standard. It will run on Suns.

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