Multiple tail programme

Mark Coleman colemanm at
Wed May 1 18:02:43 AEST 1991

Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM writes:

>>>>>> On 30 Apr 91 05:40:42 GMT, colemanm at (Mark Coleman) said:

>Mark> e.g.  $ tail -f <file1> <file2> <file3>

>tail -f file1 & tail -f file2 & tail -f file3
>seems to work

Hi, I have actually had a couple of replies via direct mail that includes
a proggy called xtail and a another that someone else had knocked up.

The reason I asked for a multiple file tailer is that '&'ing tails tend to chew
up system resources on our systems.

We are currently in development/trial/production mode and hence we are keeping 
a close eye on errors reported in our application.

If anyone is interested in copies of the said files just drop us line at my 
addr. in my sig below.


Mark Coleman                   O _ O   EMAIL: colemanm at
Telecom Australia                |     FAX:   +61 7 837 4704
TNE Computer Support Services  *****   PH:    +61 7 837 3143
Brisbane, Queensland. OZ       \===/   "You'll find these are my opinions alone"

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