SUMMARY: Backup while in multi-user mode

Bill Heiser bill at unixland.uucp
Fri May 31 08:49:05 AEST 1991

In article <675574289.1712 at> karish at (Chuck Karish) writes:
>Non-standard?  pax was written specifically to support the tar and
>cpio formats immortalized by the POSIX.1 standard.  Its behavior is
>specified by the draft POSIX.2 standard.  It knows how to read
>traditional tar and cpio formats.
>Five years from now you'll be able to read pax archives by using

OK -- my knowledge of PAX is obviously very limited.  Basically, I 
know it exists ...  

My point is that I may want to read tapes later on a machine that 
doesn't happen to have PAX available.  Will ordinary tars and cpios
read tapes written by PAX?

bill at	The Think_Tank BBS & Public Access Unix
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