what kind of machine am I

Bill Vermillion bill at bilver.uucp
Sat May 18 01:00:30 AEST 1991

In article <7844 at auspex.auspex.com> guy at auspex.auspex.com (Guy Harris) writes:

>>elif [ -f /bin/i286 ] && /bin/i286; then
>>	echo 286
>Are there *really* commands for "i486" and "i586"?  ...
>Also, I think the command for the 286 is called "iapx286" or maybe

Well on my SysV.3.2 (ESIX), the i286 is linked with iAPX286, along with
links to mc68k,  pdp11, u370, u3b, u3b15, u3b2, u3b5,  and most
importantly, false.   And it's not a command - just a file that returns
true or false.

Bill Vermillion - UUCP: ...!tarpit!bilver!bill
                      : bill at bilver.UUCP

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