Help---Corrupted UTMP file on HP-UX

Kenneth Ng ken at sugra.uucp
Tue May 7 13:59:14 AEST 1991

In article <1900 at>, paul at (Paul Hite) writes:
: In article <1991May02.143526.17696 at>, kurt at (Kurt Andersen) writes:
: > Has anyone experienced (and, I hope solved) a problem wherein the
: > /etc/utmp file gets clobbered (corrupted or emptied) under HP-UX
: > 7.0 on a 9000/350 machine?  
: HP changed the format of the utmp file with 7.0.  We had this problem
: on our 9000/800's.  Anything that writes to utmp must be recompiled to
: work with 7.0.  You must have some software somewhere that is doing this.
: screen?  X from pd?  some homebrew package?  Find it and recompile it.

Some commerical packages such as the LAT emulator from KNET also need to be
upgraded to run under HP-UX 7.0.  According to them, we are the first people
to actually try it.

Kenneth Ng
Please reply to ken at until this machine properly recieves mail.
"No problem, here's how you build it" -- R. Barclay, ST: TNG

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