something like motd question

Andre van Dalen andre at targon.UUCP
Fri May 17 07:22:42 AEST 1991

In article <bshaw.673889495 at hcmv2> bshaw at (bob shaw) writes:
 >I would like to have a file that is read when a user logs in
 >*IF* this file has been updated since it was last read by this
 >user.  This file would contain specific system  news info, etc and
 >would constantly be changed by the sys_admin.

You could add something like this to /etc/profile,
put your message in the file /etc/new_motd, . in the next lines
is the users home directory, which is where his shell starts.
(This example uses /bin/sh as login shell.)

if [ -n "`find /etc/new_motd -newer . -print`" ]
  cat /etc/new_motd
  touch .

	hope this helps,
The mail|    AAA         DDDD  It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase.
demon...|   AA AAvv   vvDD  DD        Ketchup is a vegetable.
hits!.@&|  AAAAAAAvv vvDD  DD                    {nixbur|nixtor}!adalen.via
--more--| AAA   AAAvvvDDDDDD    Andre van Dalen, uunet!hp4nl!targon!andre

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