Multiple tail programme

Dave Lampe djl at dplace.UUCP
Fri May 3 09:13:40 AEST 1991

colemanm at (Mark Coleman) writes:

>Sorry if this is a FAQ but I'm looking for a version of 'tail' that allows me
>display the updates to files from multiple files.

>e.g.  $ tail -f <file1> <file2> <file3>

The progam you want is called "watch". It was posted in the old mod.sources
group by Brent Callaghan, {ihnp4|mtuxo|pegasus}!poseidon!brent, and is
available on uunet in the states. I don't know about OZ. It uses curses to
split the screen into as many panes as there are files and runs a tail-f
in each one.
Dave Lampe
{ames | lll-tis | sun | pyramid}!pacbell!dplace!djl
(415) 455-1571 (H)
(415) 462-7000 (W)

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