Fix Descriptions for PS/2 AIX 1.1.0
fields at
Wed Aug 29 06:12:05 AEST 1990
This is a complete list contained in the latest ISD updates for
PS/2 AIX Ver. 1.1.0 as of 08/27/90.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "AADU" LPP. */
IX03572 Running AADU on ethernet causes microchannel system to hang.
IX04080 Running AADU on microchannel ethernet can't find any hosts.
IX04563 AADU does not support the 3C503 ethernet adpater.
IX04627 Function keys and numeric keypad are not supported by AADU.
IX05290 16/4 Token-Ring adpater is not support by AADU.
IX05682 Add vt220 support to AADU.
IX06149 AADU doesn't allow second page of host names for selection.
IX06180 Opening a second AIXTERM with XONDOS on an ethernet, cause DOS
system to hang.
IX06779 NIC PS/2 ethernet card does not work in slot 1 of a model 60
using AADU.
IX06817 vt100 emulation problem with the 3C503 adapter under AADU.
IX07203 Under AADU if Ungermann Bass ethernet card is configured other
than default, pciinit will hang.
IX07258 If login is incorrect under AADU RS232, another attempt to login
is not allowed.
IX07259 If wrong baud rate is selected using AADU, the error message is
displayed too fast.
IX07394 Under AADU vt220 emulation, some Danish keys are not supported.
IX07709 AADU fails across Token-Ring bridge with out a local DOS server
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "BOOT" diskette. */
IX04361 The -C option of /etc/backup did not work with values other than
multiples of 4.
IX04875 "minidisks" command cannot successfully change active partition.
IX05212 Message "Press enter to confirm your selection and continue"
incorrectly displayed when booting from diskette.
IX06442 Time zone names that include numbers are not handled properly.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "COBOLCMP" LPP. */
IX05104 VSCOBOL "DISPLAY" statment produces "Error: screen interface
handling init error : FATAL"
IX05430 The sort generates work strings that are very small and use
excessive i-nodes.
IX05938 Insufficient memory error can be returned when using linked
IX06150 The return value of getpid() was limited to the size of an
unsigned short.
IX06427 Use of the CHAIN instruction is failing.
IX07458 SYNC doesn't write all unwritten COBOL system buffers to disk.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "COBOLRTS" LPP. */
IX05106 Animating a VSCOBOL call program in native code has visibility
IX05275 Highlighting may produce garbled screen output.
IX05787 The sort function returns hex 00 rather than hex 30 (ascii 0).
IX05938 Insufficient memory error can be returned when using linked
IX06150 The return value of getpid() was limited to the size of an
unsigned short.
IX06427 Use of the CHAIN instruction is failing.
IX07458 SYNC doesn't write all unwritten COBOL system buffers to disk.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "INST" diskette. */
IX03877 build multi disks failed in creating '/'
IX04057 using set monitor "frame" on portable model P70 shows 85xx
monitor types only.
IX04750 The timezone variable is being set incorrectly when using a time
zone less than GMT (a negative value).
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "MAINT" diskette. */
IX05264 The maintenance diskette allows the deletion of system
IX06327 The 'CAPS LOCK' key was not shifting the proper keys for some
non-U.S. keyboards.
IX06415 If one of the "system" minidisks is not created by the user at
install time, the first user minidisk added gets assigned the
unused sysetm minidisk number.
IX06823 If the "/u" minidisk is created with size 0, the first user
minidisk will be created without a name.
IX07471 The build of the maintenance is overrunning the data area.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "Merge" LPP. */
IX00789 Dosadmin does not allow application installation if run by a
user who belongs to multiple groups.
IX03599 Async connection at 9600 bps loses characters if a DOS/Merge
session is active.
IX03608 Virtual attach modem connection transmits files OK but hangs
under DOS Merge.
IX03800 PS/2 AIX does not deal with the VGA miscellaneous output
register properly. AIX assumes all adapters use internal sync.
IX03937 DOS 'MODE' command gives invalid results when using DOS Merge.
IX04136 DOS Merge will not run correctly on a window that has fewer than
13 lines.
IX04147 Shell command in dos merge dosen't work properly.
IX04216 DOS Merge core dumps using vendor's software. DOS Merge
incorrectly handles stack wraps in interrupts.
IX04259 Problem with graphics program running in multiple DOS Merge
sessions. CGA virtualization handled incorrectly. Data lost when
switching between sessions. Mode changes during virtualization
handled improperly.
IX04377 Cancel an open dos window in x-windows, dos process still runs.
IX04590 DOS Merge coredumps from tty's with "LINES" variable greater
than 25.
IX04621 DOS Merge screen attributes incorrect on ibm3151. Lotus 1-2-3
loses cursor.
IX04648 The lpp.hist file for Merge is incorrect.
IX04686 Running DOS Merge in X-Windows, causes some keys to be mismapped
when keyboard is defined as non-U.S.
IX04786 DOS Merge under x-windows does not map keys correctly when
keyboard is configured to work as U.K. keyboard.
IX04916 The +s option on the dosopt command can only set values between
15 and 360 rather than the documented 5 and 3600.
IX04965 Checking the card IDs returns the same value for each slot in
the PS/2.
IX04978 Merge can not access an extended DOS partition.
IX05271 Stopping DOS Merge can panic the system when a direct attach
device is being used and it is generating interrupts.
IX05272 A DOS program which intercepts keyboard interrupts can disable
the keyboard and not re-enable it.
IX05594 Terminal hangs when exiting an AIX shell that was forked from a
DOS shell.
IX05910 Attaching serial devices under DOS Merge to com1, don't work.
IX05915 Modem initialization fails under Merge.
IX05950 The error message, "Merge not initialized", appears after
quitting a Merge session that was left running for an extended
period of time.
IX06030 Running DOS Merge in X-Windows gives background colors which are
not readable.
IX06358 DOSERROR call doesn't work under Merge, but works OK under
natvie DOS.
IX06365 Using the tape drive under AIX and the diskette drive under
Merge simultaneously causes the system to hang and panic.
IX06826 Can't print a file from DOS drive E: under DOS Merge.
IX06900 UDIR command in AIX clears the screen to fast to read display.
IX07146 Time in DOS MERGE goes greater than 23:59:59.
IX07243 Additional apar required for IX06030.
IX07264 Using the dosadmin command to tailor DOS environment, AIX shell,
or application, results in error message: "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/dosopt
+v /v/demo15/dosenv.def 2>/dev/null: not found".
IX09507 Can't virtual attach or direct attach 300/1200 internal modems
under DOS Merge.
IX09642 3151 with scancode running DOS application under DOS Merge
corrupts screen.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "X11" LPP. */
IX03641 NLS support needs to move AIXTERM to LIBXNLS.A for client.
IX03797 Default font for aixterm causes it to hang in XONDOS.
IX03922 X-Windows server Courier-12 font distorts screen.
IX03925 X-Windows clients started by aixwm execute at lower priority.
IX03927 X-Windows sample xfd won't display certain fonts.
IX04085 X-Windows application on 8514A kills server.
IX04109 X-Windows will not start up on portable Mod/70. P70 display is
not recognized by the server.
IX04339 Killing the window manager also kills aixterms in X-Windows.
IX04530 X-Windows XCreateColormap doesn't handle cursor color correctly.
IX04609 "aixterm" incorrectly parses "-display" option, losing other
IX04879 X-Windows HFT select system call doesn't handle collision
IX04969 Two lines with identical endpoints do not meet.
IX05382 X-Windows update 1001 can cause X program to hang system or core
IX05491 The "put map save" and "put map put" functions of X11 are slow.
IX05694 X-Windows can lock up if a hot-key to another screen and back is
performed while a client has the server grabbed.
IX05913 The -lf flag for aixterm does not spawn a process when using the
pipe symbol.
IX06024 Arcs are not correctly filled in under X-Windows.
IX06234 X11 doesn't support the 8513 monitor with the 8514/A adapter.
IX06251 Moving or scrolling a window can fail to redraw already entered
text or new text.
IX06272 An image created by a client is not erased when the window is
IX06344 The XChangePointerControl returns error message: "badlength,
poly request too large or internal Xlib length error" when using
an 8514/A.
IX06526 X-Windows would not draw a one-pixel line (both endpoints the
IX06528 The last dash is discarded when drawing dashed lines in X11.
IX06539 Green and red cursor appears black on 8514/A with 16 colors.
IX06584 When closing an aixterm opened from the tools menu of aixwm, all
other clients are cancelled also.
IX06592 A display-oriented DOS Merge window (one created while XMERGE is
set) allows its vertical height to be shrunk. No resizing should
be possible.
IX06699 A 24x80 aixterm started with the Motif window manager
incrementally loses one line at a time until only one is left.
IX06752 A query of the server to determine visual type returns
PseduoColor rather than Grayscale.
IX06778 The "aixwm.hide" entry in .Xdefaults takes only "on/off"
keywords rather than "true/false" as is documented.
IX06922 The French "azerty" keyboard mapping does not contain a
IX07255 Aixterm is being established with incorrect "stty" settings.
IX07486 Foreground and background colors of aixterm incorrectly modified
by overlaying a painted area of the aixterm.
IX07599 Redrawing a previously obscured portion of a pixmap can leave
blank or corrupt rectangles.
IX07926 An XDrawImageString() call to an unmapped window with backing
store enable will write to the root window.
IX08371 Can not set "aixterm.autoWrap" in the .Xdefaults file.
IX08928 The "Auto Repeat" setting in the "Set" submenu of aixwm does not
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "XONDOS" LPP. */
IX04127 F11 and F12 keys do not work under XONDOS.
IX04774 3C503 ethernet adapter doesn't work with XONDOS.
IX05175 XONDOS session hangs when commands are being executed on the AIX
IX05315 Opening a second AIXTERM with XONDOS on an ethernet, cause DOS
system to hang.
IX05936 Running XONDOS under DOS 4.0 and using extended memory fails.
IX06076 Right control key does not function as action key in XONDOS.
IX06305 Can't telnet from XONDOS to gateway.
IX06430 Using the Home key when telneting from XONDOS, produces
incorrect output.
IX07328 When application running under XONDOS uses ASCII characters with
values larger than 127, they appear as spaces.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "admn" LPP. */
IX01844 Segmentation fault core dump message at the end of the installp
procedure for WHIP.
IX03910 Box characters are drawn with "++++" and "----" when using an
ascii terminal under DOS MERGEE.
IX04121 When using DOS MERGE from a 3151 terminal with a connectivity
cartridge and the correct scan code, it is possible to send 8 bit
code but not to receive it.
IX04340 After installation of 1A update and extended services, the
installation of WHIP fails.
IX04412 When using IBM 3161 terminals with DOS MERGE running DOS
applications, the shift-function keys do not work. (Also the @ sign.)
IX04434 When using an IBM 3161 terminal, scrolling up in a file with the
cursor keys or ctrl-u scrolls only the top line.
IX04989 Fix for apar ix04621 will require change in ibm.ti file to
support dos merge resolution.
IX05217 Security - procedure allows unauthorized file access.
IX05646 Keyboard mapping of a d/t3151 terminal with a scan code
cartridge is not exactly equal to a pc keyboard when using the
ined editor.
IX05688 DOS MERGE won't start from IBM ascii terminal after MPP 1025 is
IX06310 Error code 191 when running COBOL program on 3151 terminal in
scan code mode.
IX07062 TIC command exits with incorrect status.
IX07242 Insert and delete keys don't work properly within a COBOL
program when run from a 3151 terminal in scan code mode.
IX09299 DOS MERGE won't start on IBM 3151 terminal in scan code mode
after 1054 update is applied.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "adst" LPP. */
IX03519 DEVICES fails when adding 2nd token ring.
IX03530 Memory to memory blits function incorrectly.
IX03613 Error in floating point functions.
IX03650 DEVICES needs to support ports on multiple adapters.
IX03741 Different defaults for devices keyword CP1 for 4201 & 4202.
IX03747 Dump to floppy diskette not working.
IX03815 DBX - large C pgm compiled with -G hangs on symbol read.
IX03855 XWIN won't open over token ring bridge.
IX03899 DEVICES does not recognize all internal modems.
IX03901 When used with the '.string' ASSEMBLER directive, 't' is being
interpreted as 'n'.
IX03929 DEVICES command does not support the 4208 proprinter XL24
IX03984 DEVICES command does not support a 4207 printer.
IX04012 C compiler hangs when using -x flag.
IX04051 SHLIB2 application produces tsort errors.
IX04060 DBX causes core dump & msg "dbs:internal error"
IX04238 Sign not printed with the special value QUaN.
IX04265 3270 adapter can not be deleted, then added in devices.
IX04267 MINIDISKS and DEVICES command cause color of panel to change.
IX04272 PRINTF doesn't print the value of snan (signaling not a #).
IX04321 ATOF errors when it converts a string to a floating point
IX04348 Files in /usr/lib/samples/hft not executing correctly.
IX04503 Syntax errors on DBX subcommands.
IX04670 System errors issued when using access.ti for terminal io
IX04689 Quan output from program run on DBX if 80387 installed.
IX04709 Subcommand "print expr" of DBX does not correctly handle boolean
IX04732 Ceiling and floor functions fail when max value of int exceeded.
IX04856 TCPIP sends incorrect subnet mask when it is queried.
IX04868 Ping from RT to PS/2 (token ring) will not step down frame size.
IX04869 /etc/qconfig altered when DEVICES change command used.
IX04975 Curses doesn't recognize function keys above 12 (see ix03824).
IX04984 cc.cfg file contains same cppflag as the RT.
IX05002 Names of sys files being changed (last letter changed to T).
IX05082 Shared libraries give error if floating point is present.
IX05124 Msg "Lint error: dimension table overflow: when lint is run.
IX05190 DBX giving fatal error: "vname too big (%s) in file.c"
IX05210 DBX dumps if "print" is invoked for a function compiled without
debugging information.
IX05229 Output from 'cb' will not compile.
IX05376 Strip cmd not equiv to -s flag of ld or cc. ".debug" section not
IX05741 "DBX: internal error: can't find bound for fortran adj array"
IX05765 Err msg: shlib2 -fatal: init spec for non supplied obj file.
IX05895 UPDATEP's newkernel doesn't give same msgs as newkernel.
IX05978 Build procedure needs modification.
IX06087 Manual errata (me) files needed for build.
IX06095 'as' with '-l' and .align 4096 core dumps.
IX06096 'as' with '.lcomm x, 1' gets bss segment phase error.
IX06130 VS script always returns a "0" return code.
IX06139 The SSCANF() function returns a blank for Q, I, and S.
IX06258 DBX "goto" doesn't advance to proper line in program.
IX06259 DBX "assign" causes internal error & ends dbx session.
IX06320 DBX fails with msg: assertion failed at 1431 in file dbgsyms.c.
IX06350 DBX can fail if the COFF file has the '.text' section anywhere
but section number 1.
IX06353 The SSCANF() function does not return the correct value when it
is passed SNAN.
IX06397 Usability services gets inverse video after it's "used" in X.
IX06470 Curses keypad mode does not recognize the ESC key.
IX06532 Assembling a module which contains the addition of an immediate
and constant expression results in type clash errors.
IX06814 System can loop when listing contents of a database.
IX06981 Padding characters are done incorrectly with the .align
ASSEMBLER directive.
IX06983 ASSEMBLER - Constant in .ALIGN gives error: CONSTANT REQUIRED.
IX06984 ASSEMBLER msg: shift expression must be a constant or %CL.
IX07148 ASSEMBLER causes PANIC message with -A flag.
IX07225 C - 2 or more #ELIF stmts, the CPP gets lost and quits output.
IX07358 Scrolling regions in EXTENDED CURSES not working.
IX07541 SIGTERM & SIGUSR1 different w/GSINIT_() call from LIBOGSL.A.
IX07584 GETCH() in LIBCURSES.A doesn't give correct values.
IX07752 DBX returns "ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION AT ...."; a hex address.
IX07883 XWIN - attributes inherited are incorrect in extended curses.
IX07894 C - scan too long integer should give err msg not core dump.
IX08017 Segmentation violation occurs w/DBX on C; executes w/o error.
IX08295 CXREF of C-SOURCE input results in compiler error message.
IX08378 Same PRINTF statement for RT and PS/2 gives different results.
IX08741 C - SSCANF puts wrong value in variable.
IX08779 Token ring INETLEN defaults to 1992 max - need 4096.
IX08835 PRINTF with "%.0f" drops sign on -QNAN and -SNAN.
IX08899 C - GCVT returns I.NF rather that INF.
IX08902 C - SSCANF ("1E4294967296") returns 1 rather than infinity.
IX08907 C - ATOF("-0) returns 1.E-314 rather than -0.
IX09630 C - PRINTF won't pad field with leading zeros.
IX09658 No INSTALL option for NEWKERNEL.
IX09665 3151 terminal gives improper response from keyboard after
IX10163 Symbolic link between /etc/system & /local/system is broken.
IX11215 OD -C file with odd number of bytes shows /0 at the end.
IX11431 Program with regular expressions fails.
IX11664 Update script fails to install new kernel.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "ate" LPP. */
IX04981 ATE under XWIN defaults to width of 25 characters.
IX04431 Redirection of input to ate from a script causes hang.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "bnuu" LPP. */
IX06876 The uucheck command checks for files that do not exist and
receives an error when they are not found.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "c" LPP. */
IX03405 An assignment statement gets eliminated incorrectly.
IX03406 Pointer parameter is not correctly recovered from the stack.
IX03476 A test case, core dumps when compiled with optimization.
IX03555 A test case, does not compile when o4+ optin is used.
IX03622 C compile with O3, O4 or -O gives bad output.
IX03623 Compile goes into loop if compiled with "VS" with O3,O4 or -O
IX03757 With -O option, Array values incorrect for address.
IX03969 Macro definition with argument works incorrectly with o4+.
IX03972 Improve accuracy rating measured by accuracy.c
IX04262 Performance of STRCMP function slow.
IX04425 Float constants not properly converted in C.
IX05190 DBX gives fatal error: vname too big (%s) in file, for a C file.
IX06236 Concurrent compilation causes errors.
IX06644 Float constant w/ leading 0 interpreted as octal by the
IX06946 CC optimizer bug.
IX07056 C program compiled with -O fails with error 9712.
IX07068 Incorrect LVALUE REQUIRED message.
IX07136 Problem in using -O optimizer option.
IX07311 Problem in bit field manipulation in C.
IX07356 C compiler gets 'REGISTER EAX E003 PC=208' message.
IX07393 CONST TYPE QUALIFIER isn't enforced ; modification allowed.
IX08141 Passing structure with UNSIGNED ELEMENTS failed.
IX08869 Compiling C program gets error msg 516.
IX09071 FATAL ERROR IN VSC:MEMORY FAULT msg if compiled with -O option.
IX09175 Compiler hangs if file contains non-ASCII characters.
IX09630 PRINTF won't pad field w/leading zeros in C program.
IX06533 Kernel error message: "Inns ErrRegister EDI still busy" can
occur with struct parameter passing when compiled with -c option.
IX04262 Performance of C strcmp function slow.
IX04548 Optimizer incorrectly generates inline code.
IX04602 C pgm w/syntax errors core dumps compiling w/optimize
IX05504 C compiler did not pass type information of variable to dbx if a
pathname is included with the filename.
IX05734 Using different optimization arguments for the compile can
result in different output.
IX06058 The sizeof operator can return an incorrect value when used on
an argument **array.
IX06568 Error message rather than warning is issued when the "&"
operator is applied to an array name that is a member of a structure.
IX05796 For program using the alloca() function, output is fine when
compiled with the -g option but segmentation faults with the -0 option.
IX03522 Program behaves different during looping when compiled with -O
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "extp" LPP. */
IX05217 Security - a test procedure allows unauthorised file access.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "gsl" LPP. */
IX03530 On VGA and 8514A memory to memory moves are functionally
IX03531 Horizontal blits in memory don't work.
IX03532 On 8514 the cursor acts like eraser after any blit or pattern
IX04580 GSINIT fails in VGA mode w/ save/restore=0
IX05812 GSPLYM routine does not work properly with 8514 adapter.
IX05829 Using GSEVWT, timestamp field returns a wrong value.
IX05906 gsfrec - line primative and filled tect prim do not address the
screen in the same manner on 8514/A
IX06829 Bitplane mask ignored when annotation text put on screen.
IX06830 GSQDSP call fails to return correct color information.
IX07702 On 8514 changing COLOR MAPS gets screen flickering/snow.
IX05234 When cursor 8514A/GSL width is greater than 32 cursor is
IX05865 When erase cursor is called, the bitplane mask is destroyed when
using an 8514/A video adapter.
IX05826 When the cursor width is less than 32, the cursor is misformed
on an 8514/A video adapter.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "ined" LPP. */
IX03722 XWIN NLS fix for INed.
IX04029 HFKEYMAP structure of HFSKBD returns incorrect value.
IX04316 Problem with inctl when using tiocstr and tioccdtr oper
IX06455 INed and insplat levels updated though no fixes are there.
IX06706 INed keyboard layout for IBM3151-S does not match functionality
after fix for apar IX05646.
IX04122 INed can't be started with an ibm3151-S terminal.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "insplat" LPP. */
IX06455 INed and insplat vrl levels updated though no fixes are there.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "mhmh" LPP. */
IX04159 Mail handler command with -DIGEST flag increments the volume
count instead of the issue count.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "opsys" LPP. */
IX03519 Devices fails when adding 2nd token ring
IX03523 chparm doesn't edit /etc/system and leaves empty directory w/old
machine name.
IX03533 'as' produces wrong code for 'inc %ah'.
IX03542 left and right action keys work diff. w/insert/del,arrow keys
IX03570 The PS/2 Model 70-A21 does not correctly read multiple backup
files from tape.
IX03599 Async connection at 9600 bps loses characters if a DOS/Merge
session is active.
IX03608 Virtual attach modem conection transmits file but hangs under
IX03652 Devices adds "cycle" speeds to tty devices automatically,
whether they are desired or not.
IX03657 Signal type in TRACE doesn't work
IX03662 The fork function fails to clear pending alarms for child
IX03665 The 5182 and 5202 printers did not have automatic character
support for 31 characters in code page P1.
IX03689 Updatep does not correctly look for the lpp name in
IX03690 Build tools don't work with languages.
IX03693 The kernel subroutine physio() does not correctly handle virtual
IX03694 CFGADEV isn't generating major device number if one is missing
IX03704 The /bin/killall command fails and does not kill any processes.
IX03725 liberty light will not reboot- must hit switch
IX03727 LOCKF call produces a false deadlock condition
IX03737 Print cmd on 4202p printer with cp1='mlp' and printer 'readied'
from non-ready state - file is not printed
IX03768 PS/2 and RT TAR commands handle symbolic links differently
IX03773 Logging onto a VM/XA machine via a 3270 card hangs the 3274.
IX03800 Ps/2 VGA misc o/p reg assumes all adapters use int. s
IX03823 MSG 048-015 when install script exits with exit code 3
IX03853 No cross reference available for kernel source code
IX03854 unix sort w/ -m fails for large files on merge-sort
IX03860 Can create multiple groups with the same group id
IX03907 VI -r corrupts original file after system failure
IX03909 CPIO doesn't copy from multi-volumes of tape/diskettes
IX03911 "load a system from diskette" msgs/choices are confusing
IX03912 CFGMSOLT has > 4 partitions, msg:'crash and burn' displayed
IX03913 TERM entry for console isn't set correctly in /etc/ports
IX03914 lpp.hist for usability incorrectly include "panels" and
"explore" as LPPs.
IX03915 updatep msg to hit "ctrl,alt,pause" instead of "enter" error
IX03961 Not all 'kauai' models are recognized by hft virtual display
IX03964 Console and HFT freezes up on PS/2 mod 55's
IX03965 X doesn't recognize 8514/a with 8507 monitor
IX03992 grep -i flag not supported as documented.
IX03995 values in etc/master (such as "clist") based on other parameters
(such as USERS) are not propagated to /etc/system when parameter
IX04027 mult. pairs of processes comm. w/ each other cause kernel
IX04030 Mktemp subroutine can rtn '=' in string pointed to by template
IX04035 The restore command did not detect the absence of a diskette.
IX04037 "who -r" gives wrong run level after reboot in single-user mode.
IX04056 plasma display of PT70 model(portable) 'shaky'
IX04057 using set monitor"frame" on portable model pt70 shows 85xx only
IX04066 Linkage ed fails w/msg: LD: group containing sec..
IX04097 LDFATAL vsfort lib archive symbol directory too large
IX04107 "show & install" screen shouldn't allow selection
IX04108 HFT and CONSOLE on PS2 mod 55 won't accept characters
IX04155 The "ar" command returns error message "too many external
symbols" when archiving >3000 files.
IX04209 "ls -l" gives incorrect information on mount point.
IX04215 System dumps to disk resulting from parity errors lock system.
IX04216 DOS/Merge core dumps using vendor's software. DOS/Merge
incorrectly handles stack wraps in interrupts.
IX04259 Problem with graphics program running in multiple DOS/Merge
IX04278 Multiple copies of a multiple page file do not print correctly
on a 3812 printer.
IX04338 /etc/ports not symbolically linked to /local/ports
IX04351 'symbol table overflow' msg when linking large program
IX04356 Transmitting files by rcp and ftp to/from oem machines is faster
on a send than a receive.
IX04357 Open pipe fails (error 101) when pipe not empty
IX04358 Tar -l doesn't work
IX04361 The -C option of /etc/backup did not work with values other than
multiples of 4.
IX04379 The chparm command was not changing the node name in nvram.
IX04385 Restoring with standard input as the input devices gives an
IX04429 symbolic link from /local/tmp to /tmp doesn't work for updatep
IX04489 diff truncates file names to 14 char when directories are
IX04499 gettimeofday() not returning timezone correctly.
IX04522 Devices doesn't support multi-port adapters.
IX04543 Ps/2-70'2 may crash the hard file on parity error
IX04599 AIX hangs after multiple consecutive connect system calls.
IX04633 C language updates leave .o files in /lib after updatep cmd
IX04639 "dd -ibs" parameter causes read errors on floppy. Many device
drivers cannot perform I/O across a 4K page boundary.
IX04647 Makefile for dbx fails in making the object code for DBX
IX04648 The lpp.hist file for Merge is incorrect.
IX04669 "pdelay" command doesn't work for terminals other than 9600
IX04680 "vi" with a large file causes segmentation fault.
IX04685 System call "creat" fails w enfile(23) error
IX04699 Message "mount: cannot dstat /tmp/disk" is not clear.
IX04743 The msgxrcv function is producing incorrect output after writing
data back onto the queue.
IX04787 'inuconfig' file not in proper location
IX04792 files left open by killed/exited process cause system to hang.
IX04810 Can't "undefine" characters with stty "undef" option.
IX04843 Exceeding environment size causes session to close.
IX04875 "minidisks" command cannot successfully change active partition.
IX04889 Disk copy option from bootstrap menu doesn't work.
IX04898 /etc/profile did not check for the existence of /bin/news before
attempting to execute it.
IX04909 Sending large numbers of print jobs to a print queue with a
large printer timeout could fill up a timeout table and panic
the system.
IX04915 Remote print jobs queued from a PS2 show host as "unknown".
IX04930 Running "devices" in a window smaller than 18 lines gives
incorrect screen output.
IX04945 On MPP1014, page feed doesn't occur after document is printed
IX04955 PS/2 Model 55 doesn't recognize 80387.
IX04965 Checking the card IDs returns the same value for each slot in
the PS/2.
IX04968 The backup and tar commands are inconsistent in dealing with the
data returned in the structure in /usr/include/sys/devinfo.h.
IX04982 ls -F columnizes incorrectly when filenames longer than 3
IX05020 Print -rm doesn't remove the file after it prints unless file is
specified by full pathname.
IX05043 Control-Z fails to suspend or stop a process in C shell.
IX05059 IPC message queues being corrupted during high paging activity.
IX05079 ".o" files left in /usr/sys/386 after update of opsys.
IX05083 The doswrite and dosdel commands would not work on a low-density
IX05084 Makefiles insufficiently robust. (Error occurred in IBM
development build.)
IX05085 Warning message "VTOC table partitions overlap non-AIX member
partition" produced inappropriately.
IX05098 NAPMS function in libcurses.a does not work. Select system call
ignores timeout parameter when no files or message queues specified.
IX05119 Non-planar async ports inoperable after MPP1019 opsys applied.
IX05123 Defining a shared memory segment was limiting the size of a data
segment and should not have been.
IX05192 df fails to ignore unmounted filesystems.
IX05197 The vi did not handle executable files correctly.
IX05198 The /etc/master file contained a reference to parameter 'shmseg'
which should not have been in the file.
IX05201 Named pipe fifo doesn't support multiple writers.
IX05271 Stopping DOS Merge can panic the system when a direct attach
device is being used and it is generating interrupts.
IX05272 A DOS program which intercepts keyboard interrupts can disable
the keyboard and not re-enable it.
IX05384 "Invalid login attempts ..." msg displayed if empty /etc/.ilog
IX05405 Reverse video does not work under DOS Merge when run in
IX05409 The mark command and the file /usr/include/prof.h were
erroneously included in the documentation and the adst package.
IX05439 Using the restart flag with sigaction() displays an error
IX05466 Bourne shell "cd" command gives incorrect return code.
IX05549 Build procedure requires checking of permissions, group and
IX05582 The gsevwt function call fails if a process forked after graphic
IX05586 Taking print queue up and down and rereading qconfig file can
cause qdaemon to die.
IX05626 Updatep can't specify a tape as the source device using the -d
IX05634 Prevent "untouchable" files from being put update diskette.
IX05670 When doing a system dump to diskettes, the display stays on the
virual terminal while the messages are going to the system console.
IX05675 The /etc/restore command could not restore all data backed up to
a 150 MB tape.
IX05678 The ls command could not list more than 1024 files in a
IX05715 The temporary file remained in /usr/spool/qdaemon after
IX05730 Make placed an upper bounds of 200 arguments that could be
passed to an exec'ed shell command.
IX05745 /etc/cshrc isn't run when csh user logs in.
IX05764 With 'filec' set in C shell, can not turn off IXON and IXANY
stty options.
IX05791 Using the ioctl system call returns incorrect values in the
lprude structure.
IX05829 The timestamp field returns the wrong value to a gsevwt() call.
IX05845 Getting disk read error that can only be stopped w/ hard boot.
IX05866 /etc/inurest prevents archiving object files into multiple
IX05910 Serial device attached to com1 under DOS Merge does not work.
IX05915 Modem initialization fails under Merge.
IX05981 DEVICES gives wrong err msg when system hardware is not
IX05995 Pinging an RT or PS/2 from a PS/2 does not work through a
IX05996 After fix for IX05174, there seems to be no default for the
remote print queue.
IX06077 The Gen1 version of tar can not read archives created by the
Gen2 tar.
IX06081 The dosdir and dosread commands would give a "write-protected"
error message when executed on write-protected media.
IX06084 Updatep asks for a diskette and then rejects it.
IX06086 The nextkey() function in libdbm.a causes a coredump when
reading past the last key.
IX06122 The "advisory lock" function of RM/COBOL would fail when run
from an AADU session.
IX06134 A cut and paste from one window to another in X-Windows, if done
quickly, can kill the receiving xterminal.
IX06141 find cmd returns "huge directory" message when directory is >10
IX06175 Problem adding 3 devices with devices command.
IX06204 The update build process required modification to allow delivery
of /etc/predefined and /etc/trcfmt.
IX06209 Security problem. AIX can be rebooted when login screen is
IX06215 Last part of plot file not drawn when using queues.
IX06237 The /etc/newkernel function was not picking up simple
expressions in the /etc/system file.
IX06238 The file /etc/cshrc exists and should not.
IX06264 The st_size of a fifo does not represent the amount of readable
IX06292 Entering <ESC>` will hang keyboard input for the current hft
IX06296 Could not print multiple copies of a file on a 3812 printer
after applying MPP 1023 updates.
IX06327 The 'CAPS LOCK' key was not shifting the proper keys for some
non-U.S. keyboards.
IX06342 Awk fails if an 'if' statement is followed by a comment.
IX06351 The message: "hh:mm:ss pg_cintr: exceeded max_isr_loop" was
unnecessarily being printed to the console.
IX06365 Using the tape drive under AIX and the diskette drive under
Merge simultaneously causes the system to hang and panic.
IX06367 Devices cmd shows "planar" instead of proper slot number.
IX06411 DOS application fails in XMERGE with 8514/A.
IX06415 If one of the "system" minidisks is not created by the user at
install time, the first user minidisk added gets assigned the
unused sysetm minidisk number.
IX06442 Time zone names that include numbers aren't handled properly.
IX06466 Any ex command that results in no lines in the buffer (ex. :1,$d)
will allow the user to quit (:q) without prompting the user
about changes.
IX06529 When user1 changes id by 'su - user2', entering passwd attempts
to change the password for user1 rather than user2.
IX06555 System group members can not run /etc/shutdown because the call
to init fails.
IX06596 The /usr/lib/terminfo/i/ibm3151-dos file was not being delivered
on the update diskettes.
IX06650 Devices can core dump after the fix from IX04522 which added
functionality for multi-port adapters.
IX06681 mdrc fails to correctly copy "filesystems" from backup file.
IX06701 Reverse video is not working on an IBM 3151-051 terminal in
scan-code mode.
IX06725 The setruid() call was not changing the p_uid field which is
used by other system calls to determine the "real uid".
IX06743 After "set filec", the german vowels are gone and filecompletion
does not work.
IX06776 Characters from the P1 code page which are in user-installed
character sets do not work correctly.
IX06783 The kernel was not rebuilt after applying the opsys update on
MPP 1035.
IX06823 Minidisk has no name after first creating it with size 0.
IX06847 Updatep displays information messages at end of update.
IX06856 Wrong error msg when deleting user while in user's directory.
IX06866 Order of disk partitions different between AIX & DOS fdisk.
IX06870 Sending output to a printer that is powered off can cause the
process to hang.
IX06898 A "ui" file was required for the Merge lpp update process.
IX06923 'FUNCTION' & 'CURSOR' keys don't work w/VT220 emul to AADU.
IX06924 DOSREAD & DOSWRITE aren't supported for DOS partition on AIX.
IX06993 XWIN hangs in 2nd shell w/DOSMERGE 5250 emulation in 1st shell.
IX06996 UUCP files won't transfer on shared port. Modem control commands
are not accepted.
IX07009 QDAEMON stops when running two printers.
IX07067 UNMOUNT <ENTER> doesn't give same syntax as in Commands
IX07096 CAT piped to PRINT will remove BACKEND if it is in /u.
IX07097 Mount/Unmount file sys on floppy - light on floppy turns off,
then on.
IX07101 DEVICE DRIVER for OEM adapter cards gets recursive interrupts.
IX07108 Document in UPDATE READ file that DDI files will be overwritten.
IX07152 C/Pascal/FORTRAN INTERFACE G32_WRITE doesn't return the number
of bytes written.
IX07164 SHMAT hangs system when invalid attach address is specified.
IX07178 ROOT gets SYSTEM PANIC when there was no user activity.
IX07214 TCTL opens tape drive in read mode to do erase function.
IX07219 SPRINTF processes INF and other floating point values
IX07261 MALLOC allocates memory > DATASIZE LIMIT for SUPER USER.
IX07288 MOUNT mounts incorrectly and returns wrong information.
IX07303 User can not build a customized boot diskette for the PS/2.
IX07376 Test by root returns an incorrect value of 0 when the test
IX07377 Crontab file saves and delete the wrong cron log file.
IX07378 The "cpio -ov" command does not display file name for files of 0
IX07397 System can panic when attaching a 3270 card under DOS Merge.
IX07465 8570 without an 80387 chip gives the wrong compiled output.
IX07471 A build of the maintenance diskette is overrunning the data
IX07473 Differences between /etc/master and /etc/system can cause a
rejection of the update.
IX07474 When the "act" and "oact" parameters of sigaction are the same
structure, the action taken is the old action (not catch by default).
IX07523 An ioctl STIOCGET call fails with a "bad address" message on
IX07540 A reject of the opsys update fails with "error 102" when trying
to restore /bin/sh.
IX07583 Can not have a double quote inside a regex() string argument.
IX07678 The prerequisite funcionality does not exist for the updatep
IX07680 The system allowed the opening of "hidden" virtual terminals.
IX07682 The "stty tostop" command is turning off "onlcr" for
new-line/carriage return.
IX07699 No data can be read from a named pipe once the write end has
been closed.
IX07718 A "set filec" in the C shell on an IBM 3151 terminal causes
characters to echo twice.
IX07744 The times() system call returns a negative number after system
has been up one week.
IX07745 Formatting an unformatted diskette immediately after a bootup
will fail.
IX07761 Holding shift button on a German keyboard and pressing a mouse
button in DOS Merge causes Merge to hang.
IX07802 Updatep incorrectly calculates required /tmp space and can fill
up /tmp minidisk which causes update corruption.
IX07858 Shell can hang waiting for buffer to flush when echoing short
strings to a printer.
IX07859 Ulimit allows too large of a value and produces erroneous
IX07892 Running user application can jumble the tab stops.
IX07912 Update build process requires modifications.
IX07996 The qdaemon is not handling the "sjn" disipline correctly.
IX08111 Backup returns error message when using the device name rather
than the mount point.
IX08179 Token ring network error can hang AIX when heavy network traffic
IX08198 The "umask" value is not propogated from /etc/environment.
IX08227 Multiple background process doing linking/unlinking generates
error message "The link numbers are not what is expected.
IX08235 Two process invoking the creat() system call on the same file at
the same time fails.
IX08374 Error message "mouse parms: data byte error" returned when using
PC3270 Emulation software.
IX08412 The DOS Merge clock gains time on AIX.
IX08425 The command "dirname //filename" returns a "." rather than a
IX08750 Code page 850 not supported for the 4208 printer.
IX08811 Soft disk errors send messages to system console.
IX08883 After a crash, running "vi -r <filename>" gives a garbled file.
IX08946 Graphics printing to HP Laserjet can be garbled.
IX08988 The chparm command breaks the symbolic link between /etc/system
and /local/system.
IX09060 Whip fails to come up after apar IX06367 made a change to
IX09136 Error message "invalid argument" returned when the "write list"
and "exception list" parameters are null in a call to select().
IX09248 Multiplexed bit of hft is being turned off which prevents user
from opening additional virtual terminals.
IX09255 Renaming a file to "." or ".." can hang the system.
IX09332 Mouse does not work on 8570s with the "short" planar board.
IX09444 When using trailer encapsulation, packets are being incorrectly
marked as "ip" rather than "trailer".
IX11441 The "tar -r" only unconditionally replaces the first file in the
IX11673 Checking of the symbolic link between /etc/system and
/local/system by updatep can cause the update of opsys to be rejected.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "pci" LPP. */
IX00789 DOSADMIN fails to install application.
IX03573 Simultaneous AADU logins may result in some failing.
IX04463 Security apar w/ dos server using "aix access for dos users"
"login" option is still valid after invalidation
IX04786 Keyboard keys do not map properly with DOSMERGE under X-windows.
IX04826 RM/COBOL cannot access files via AADU.
IX04888 AADU pcimapsvr dies when filesize limit exceeded.
IX04916 DOSMERGE dosopt (+s) does not allow full range of values.
IX05254 DOSSERVER process dies during IPL.
IX05413 DOS rename command/system call fails with mapped filenames. AADU
vi save also fails with mapped names.
IX05516 The DOS server will not start if TCP/IP is not installed.
IX05733 Logging into the AIX system from AADU gives the user a group id
of system.
IX06358 DOSERROR function call fails under DOSMERGE.
IX06701 Reverse video does not work correctly on 3151 mod51 in scan-code
IX06826 Cannot print files from DOSMERGE E: drive.
IX06900 The udir command fails under AIX.
IX07011 AADU PCI DOS server broadcast frequency causes performance
IX07258 Login problems from AADU following incorrect login/passwd.
IX08411 AADU user belonging to multiple groups can't access directories.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "send" LPP. */
IX04245 /usr/adm/sendmail/smdemon.cleanu does not exist.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "tcpip" LPP. */
IX03588 Remote print fails because of printer access
IX03885 TCPIP telnet date command produces wrong time zone
IX04356 Transmitting files by rcp and ftp to/from oem machines is faster
on a send than a receive.
IX04644 addrs.awk and hosts.awk core dump w/hosts file > 1107 lines
IX04856 TCP/IP reports incorrect subnet mask when it is queried.
IX04866 TCP/IP "tn" paints screen slowly in 3270 emulation mode.
IX04868 "ping" from RT to PS/2 on token-ring will not step down frame
IX04871 "tn" gets noise from mouse after entering telnet command line.
IX04906 ROUTED daemon gradually drops routes.
IX05174 Remote print goes to wrong printer on remote host.
IX05259 Ping return code incorrect when host not responding.
IX05321 Telnet after running 'su - user' results in an error.
IX05388 RDIST doesn't correctly transfer directories.
IX05770 The mget subcommand in ftp is limited to 512 files.
IX05869 Telnet changes 8-bit characters to 7-bit ones which affects NLS
IX05928 Incorrect screen output when running TELNET in VT-100 emulation
IX05995 Can't PING through a bridge
IX06113 If the last line of /etc/inetd.conf is not a comment, incoming
connections will hang.
IX06195 When using telnet to a VM machine, the session can lock up if
display output is sent too quickly by the VM machine.
IX06231 Subnet masks larger than or equal to 1<<24 are not handled
IX06388 Using telnet under X-Windows can return error messages:
"Longjump botch!" and "Incorrect instruction - core dumped".
IX06579 PS/2 sends ICMP "port unreachable" datagram in response to
IX07102 REXEC to remote host and can't change passwords.
IX07235 ANONYMOUS FTP login fails with Error 550.
IX07373 SIGNALS send to NAMED do not work correctly.
IX07519 NAMED does not handle extraneous white space in config files
IX07642 REMSH "hostname date" gives incorrect time zone.
IX08218 ANONYMOUS FTP user cannot see files with DIR command.
IX08359 TELNET in 3270 mode fails to display data until screen is
IX08756 CRONTAB run from RDIST program uses root as uid.
IX08969 Remote shell can hang if several sockets are open.
IX09074 FINGER flags give incorrect output when run on remote host.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "use" LPP. */
IX03914 lpp.hist for usability incorrectly include "panels" and
"explore" as LPPs.
IX04175 PDISABLE won't disable a network PTY device.
IX04186 USABILITY SERVICES is not usable under X-windows.
IX05462 After exiting the "exploring" function, the original terminal
characteristics are not reset.
IX05585 The "open windows" pane will not appear in a virtual terminal,
only on the system console.
IX06371 Usability Services will not load when used with Ver. 1.2 of PS/2
IX06372 The mount information obtained under Useability Services is not
reliable when used with Ver. 1.2 of PS/2 AIX.
IX06397 Usability Services is displayed in reverse video after being
"used" in X-Windows.
IX07088 The Gen1 Usability Services is incompatible with the Gen2
operating system.
IX07185 setsid() system call missing from GEN 1 USABILITY SERVICES
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "vsfort" LPP. */
IX01006 Segmentation fault w/data type byte & imbedded DO in program.
IX03341 Generated bad instructions.
IX03422 Produce incorrect output in o3+ optimization.
IX03513 VSFORTRAN compilation with overlapping data initialization
produces incorrect error message then aborts compilation in pass 3.
IX03994 Two programs can not open a scratch file at the same time.
IX04144 Compiled VSFORTRAN program creates files containing garbage.
IX04167 VSFORTRAN cannot pass double complex typed variables to
IX04168 VSFORTRAN incorrect optimization with SIN and COS functions.
IX04327 VSFORTRAN CLOG function fails when imaginary part is zero.
IX04531 VSFORT double complex arithmetic causes segmentation fault.
IX04532 VSFORT double complex arithmetic causes floating point
IX04635 Pgm run time error "segmentation fault(core dump) w/o -g compile
IX04711 VSFORTRAN compiler hangs with o4+ and -o flags.
IX04812 VSFORTRAN command "asa" cannot accept command line arguments.
IX04828 VSFORTRAN open statement with "BLANK=ZERO" does not work.
IX05029 Hollerith constants parsed incorrectly by VSFORTRAN.
IX05112 VSFORTRAN program gives "*** ERROR 4229" when compiled on PS/2.
IX05483 Compile VSFORTRAN with the o+4 option produces incorrect output.
IX05581 Bus error being generated from a formatted read statement.
IX05611 Compiling with the 'mvx' option results in incorrect output for
true/false expressions.
IX05627 Compiler incorrectly generates an external symbol when a double
complex statement function is called recursively inside an if or
nested if statement.
IX05651 Compiling with optimization levels 1 or 4 gives executable that
core dumps.
IX05654 Compiler does not correctly pass information regarding a double
complex assignment statement to dbx.
IX05660 Double complex square root intrinsic returns only single
precision accuracy.
IX05673 A substring index range error is produced when performing
substring manipulation passed as a character *(*) variable.
IX05693 Compiler complains about multiply defined symbols when program
name is main.
IX05766 Segmentation fault results from a program compiled with the mvx
option that uses read or write formats.
IX05798 Internal apar to replace .s file with .asm files.
IX05909 Segmentation error produced when executing program compiled with
various optimization options.
IX06146 Subroutines with name "main" cause compile errors.
IX06281 Core dump possible when using double complex statement function
calls inside nested IF-THEN-ELSE statements.
IX06288 Substring assignment in VSFORTRAN shows wrong results.
IX06304 In R1-mode, implicit type declarations must be REAL*4 but the
function results are REAL*8.
IX06322 Program which performs alot of disk I/O can take extremely long
since a read to disk is performed for every byte rather than one
per block.
IX06337 For arrays with index size of 2, compiler does not pass correct
information to dbx which results in error message: can't find
bound for fortran adjustable array.
IX06394 Illegal instruction error and core dump when program contains
nested calls to intrinsic function ishft.
IX06402 Output of a program compiled with the mvx option switches the
ordering of a hex constant's digits.
IX06527 Stack in VSFORTRAN not cleared properly after an error on an
open or write statement.
IX06558 If argument being passed to a procedure is an internal function,
the program fails with a core dump.
IX06559 The error message: dbx: internal error: can't find bound for
Fortran adjustable array.
IX06577 The backspace function fails if used on a large data file.
IX06871 Use of list directed READ statements with internal files causes
core dump.
IX06978 The BN EDIT descriptor in VSFORTRAN gives strange results.
IX07175 VSFORTRAN. Registers are not intialized correctly for the entry
instruction when program is compiled with the 01+ optimizer.
IX07194 Compile VSFORTRAN VAX programs gives different output from
IX07195 VSFORTRAN-implied do with a variable occurs runtime error
number: 605.
IX07223 VSFORTRAN - The include statement does not generate error
messages for wrong syntax when compling with default IBM mode.
IX07322 VSFORTRAN - The ishift intrinsic function is not working
IX07360 VSFORTRAN - When complied with -O for optimizer option displays
the following error message:1203 bus error - core dumped.
IX07517 Write instruction calling from a main program chages the address
of a variable.
IX07526 VSFORTRAN - Does not handle READ/WRITE/OPEN/INQUIRE correctly
when there is an END or ERR condition.
IX07635 VSFORTRAN - Doesn't support multiple entry points; compile
IX07729 VSFORTRAN - Instructions changes address of calling subroutine.
IX07971 Write to standard ERR/INPUT results in write to standard OUTPUT.
IX08116 Compling a VSFORTRAN program gets err msg 318 in line 10.
IX08352 FORTRAN 66 default integer data type incorrect when Y+ flag
IX08543 Static Implementation - Compiling H+ doesn't work correctly.
IX08582 VSFORTRAN gets fatal error w/compiling (CC) a user program.
IX09155 VSFORTRAN - BTEST doesn't return BOOLEN value as it should.
IX09289 VSFORTRAN - IARGC() gives wrong value; GETARG() gets
segmentation fault.
IX10028 VSFORTRAN - AMOD causes FP exception and confuses DBX.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "vspascal" LPP. */
IX03393 Repeat syntax does not work for structured constants.
IX03394 Include statement parsing is incorrect.
IX03395 An error is given as a result of an unused label.
IX03396 A global label in a segment incorrectly gives an error rather
than a warning.
IX03397 The COLS function gives a rmntime error when passed a closed
IX03398 A binary constant appearing in a structured constant results in
a compile error.
IX03399 The aha.pas module core dumps at compile time.
IX03400 A segment with no procedures gives compile errors.
IX03401 The length function does not accept a packed-array-of-characters
as an argument.
IX03402 Two or more unnamed fields in a variant record gives a compile
IX03403 The readstr function gives the wrong result when a negative sign
appears in the input string.
IX03404 A repeat factor that has a function expression in it gives a
compile error.
IX03508 Indexing of SPACE variable is not working correctly.
IX03534 The include syntax embedded in comment fails.
IX03556 The pascal front end core dumps when errors occur.
IX03557 A structured constant with an enumerated type in it gives an
IX03775 SPACE type decremented as part of HBOUND function.
IX03776 out of swap space from string to packed array of char
IX03896 VSPASCAL - WRITESTR result failures.
IX03916 Packed set of scalar type gives invalid compile errors.
IX03918 Incorrect results with set declarations.
IX03932 SWAP space error with Pascal I/O.
IX03934 Incorrect results passing string arguments to procedure
IX03935 IX03916 Packed set of scalar type gives invalid compile errors
IX03936 aaa.pas core dumps.
IX04359 VSPASCAL structured constant containing FILE gives code
generation err.
IX04359 VSPASCAL structured constant containing FILE gives code
generation error.
IX04483 VSPASCAL peephole optimizer loses code.
IX04593 VSPASCAL - case statement does not produce correct code.
IX04805 VSPASCAL long variable name is truncated when defined with VALUE
IX04974 VSPASCAL p_signal() accepts wrong number of parameters.
IX04827 Multiple use of identical VSPASCAL structured constants gives
compilation error.
IX04829 Nested VSPASCAL structured constants do not compile.
IX04831 VSPASCAL packed arrays are not fully supported.
IX04974 VSPASCAL - p_signal has wrong number of parameters.
IX05265 Incorrect results obtained from multiplying various numbers by
an integer that was assigned the ordinal value of a character.
IX05304 Compiling pascal program which is linked to a C program fails to
include some code for the subroutines.
IX05313 Pascal program which calls C program core dumps after generating
an illegal instruction.
IX06053 Compiling program that uses the VALUE statement to fill a
structure in one routine that was defined in another gives an
error message during compile.
IX06159 Compiler could clobber data in other addresses when setting up a
variable defined to be an odd number of bytes.
IX06360 Passing a string constant to a packed array of characters
variable passes additional length information which causes errors.
IX06558 VSPASCAL compiler gives illegal ASSEMBLER INSTRUCTION causing
core dump.
IX06902 The SIZEOF function with a variant does not function correctly
when it is in a 'CONST' declaration.
IX06903 Procedures w/FUNCTION CALL as parameter handled incorrectly.
IX06915 Subrange type not compatible to formal integer argument.
IX07092 VSPASCAL- 'set'definition in a CONST DECL. of record comperr.
IX08979 Appending a single sign to a string of 5 characters causes
incorrect values in LENGTH().
IX08982 Display of Static Char Fields doesn't work correctly.
/* The following APARs were fixed in the "whip" LPP. */
IX04340 Installing 1a w/ ext srvcs and whip produces segmentation fault.
IX04613 Losing characters during file transfer.
IX04695 fxfer not translating blank correctly.
IX04698 "fxfer -q" hangs when a non-root user implements.
IX05700 Wrong return code from WHIP on failed login attempt with LAF.
IX06689 The Gen1 version of whip is not compatible with the Gen2
operating system.
IX06811 The Gen1 version of whip is not compatible with the Gen2
operating system.
IX07366 WHIP doesn't support total of 5 emulation sessions.
IX07367 WHIP printer emulation produces garbage after first print job.
IX07917 Pointer values containing 0xFF in the CFA table used by E789KDEF
are not intercepted by isfunc() and may cause segmentation fault.
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