Various new rs/6000 owner questions
Marc Pawliger
marc at
Thu Aug 9 09:48:41 AEST 1990
In article <3490 at leah.Albany.Edu>, rds95 at leah.Albany.Edu (Robert Seals) writes:
|> 1)
|> Can somebody either tell me or point to a place in info that
|> will reveal whether or not the info databases can be put
|> on a remote (non-AIX, non-NFS, but Unix and on the local net)
|> machine? If I could get back that 60-70 megs, I'd be happy for
|> a while...
They are just files - we NFS-mount them here and info works just fine.
Assuming that $LANG is set to En_US (USA/English setup), copy the directory
tree rooted at /usr/lpp/info/En_US onto your remote system. Then delete
the files on the '6000 (after backing them up, of course). If you mount
the files at /usr/lpp/info/En_US on the '6000, info won't know the difference.
How do you propose to "put the database" on a remote, NON-NFS machine?
|> 2)
|> As far as the graphics goes, are the gl libraries already someplace
|> on the disk, or are they mushed up with the X stuff? And are there
|> some groovy demo-type things that show what gl can do? Is gl
|> totally bound up with X, or is it separately programmable, and
|> where is the documentation for it?
/lib/libgl.a is the GL library. /usr/include/gl has the include files.
I speak for myself, not IBM.
+---Marc Pawliger---IBM Advanced Workstations Division---Palo Alto, CA---+
| Internet: marc%ibmsupt at VNET: MARCP at AUSVM6 |
| UUCP: uunet!ibmsupt!ibmpa!marc Phone: (415) 855-3493 |
+------IBMnet: marc at T/L: 465-3493--------+
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