Need help with elm 2.3 pl9 for the Risc-6000 (AIX3.1)

Ronald S. Woan ron at woan
Sat Dec 22 10:35:50 AEST 1990

In article <9635 at>, fredrick at (Tim Fredrick) writes:
Tim> I compiled elm2.3pl9 on the IBM Risc-System 6000 using the cc
Tim> compiler under AIX3.1.  When I try to run elm, I get the
Tim> following message

Tim>     elm -z Failed trying to initialize your terminal entry:
Tim> unknown return code -3

Tim> Has anyone successfully ported elm2.3 to the IBM Risc-System
Tim> 6000?  If so, what did you change to avoid this problem?  Does
Tim> anyone else have any insight?

Anyone volunteer to create a FAQ for this group yet? Anyhow, this one
came up originally six or seven months ago and more recently about a
month and a half ago. The solution is to make sure that -lcurses is
the only display library being linked into the executable in
src/Makefile. I believe -ltermcap gets put in automatically when you
run the configuration script. Again no source modifications are needed
for porting this program...

+-----All Views Expressed Are My Own And Are Not Necessarily Shared By------+
+------------------------------My Employer----------------------------------+
+ Ronald S. Woan       woan at or woan%austin at +
+ other email addresses             Prodigy: XTCR74A Compuserve: 73530,2537 +

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