Queue problems in AIX 1.2?

Shawn Hayes shawn at jdyx.UUCP
Fri Sep 7 14:10:44 AEST 1990

     Is anyone aware of a problem with message queues in AIX 1.2?  We are
trying to run a benchmark that has two processes communicating through
message queues.  The first process will request data from the second process
and wait until it's returned.  When the second process sends the data to
the first, the first process will send this data out a tty port to some device.
When the first process has read most of the messages from the queue it will 
request more data from the 2nd process and the procedure starts all over again.

	The problem is that occasionaly the first process sends a request to
the second process for more data and the second process never receives it.  I've
verified that the request is going out and then, apparently, disappearing.

Has anyone heard of a similar problem?  Any have a suggested fix?


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