RS-6000 (there is an elegant way to kill "X")

Ivan Maldonado ivan%nefx4 at
Sun Sep 16 08:11:06 AEST 1990

On 14 Sep 90 22:02:08 GMT,
rudy at said:

> I just kill mwm with the menu popdown provided.  
> I startup X with "open xinit".
> the last thing in xinitrc is "exec mwm", therefore mwm becomes the
> process group
> leader for the virtual terminal.   When mwm exits, all her children get
> including X.   No nasty messages about server killed either.

Thank you, this works much more neatly.  One thing, however, 
the menu popdown I get (the same one used to open a new window) 
has a "restart mwm" option, and not a "kill mwm".  So I end up
using "ps -a" and then "kill PID(mwm)".  No "broken pipes" just
like you said.


| Guillermo Ivan Maldonado           |  Internet: ivan%nefx4 at |
| Department of Nuclear Engineering  |  BITNET  : maldonado at ncsune           |
| North Carolina State University    |----------------------------------------
| NCSU Box # 7909                    |   ... que viva Quito !                |
| Raleigh. NC 27606-7909             |         ... que viva el ECUADOR !!    |

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