RS6000 named

Jeanne Leclair leclair at
Fri Sep 7 04:02:10 AEST 1990

I recently started bringing up a 530 RS6000 and want to run named.  I set up
named.boot, loopback.rev and root.cache like on our other machines running
named and fired it up.  It works great for machines local to our departmental
domain (  You can specify just the hostname or the fully-qual-
ified name and it works.  It also works fine for off-campus hosts for which
you would expect to have to specify the fuly-qualified name.  For on-campus
hosts in other departments, however, you would expect to be able to use
hostname.dept-domain and that doesn't work.  Only fully-qualified names work
for everything outside  What did I miss i the setup or is this
how it's supposed to work?

Please respond by mail.  I will summarize if there's interest.

Jeanne Leclair
(leclair at

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