bidirectional lines on the RS 6000 (how to do it ?)

Geoff Coleman geoff at edm.uucp
Mon Sep 10 13:37:17 AEST 1990

Help !!!!!

	Has anyone out there managed to hook up a telebit modem to an
RS6000 for use as a bidirectional modem. This is causing me no end of grief
these days and before I waste more time on it I decided to enquire of the 
masses as to if it is possible, if so how. If you have done this could 
you please send me your register settings on the modem side, your line 
settings on the 6000 side and any special cabling that needs to be done.

I tried the obvious of setting the line to share and using a telebit off
of our sysV box that runs bidirectional, no luck at all. 

Thanks for any help

Geoff Coleman
Unexsys Systems

"Ever since we bought a 6000 i've felt like an swamp drainer in Florida"

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