Any 3090 AIX routines to call MVS?

scw at ollie.SEAS.UCLA.EDU scw at ollie.SEAS.UCLA.EDU
Sat Sep 15 03:50:52 AEST 1990

In article <92957 at> CRAYJOHN at writes:
>I am new to AIX UNIX so please bear with me if this is a simple minded
>question.  I do alot of large scale scientific modeling on an IBM 3090/600S
>supercomputer at the University of Utah.  Recently, I have had the pleasure
>of using a new IBM RISC/6000 workstation running AIX.  The folks at the 
>supercomputing institute have now made the 3090 available running AIX, but
>it won't process the really large jobs.  My question is, are there any
>subroutines out there which one can make calls to MVS from within AIX?

Unlikley,  (1)AIX runs as a VM{XA,SP} guest not as an MVS guest. (2) there
is no way that I know of to use the even the VM/SP calls.  (3) What would
you be interested in using from MVS/VM anyway?  I/O? some obscure SVC?

You'll find that you can increase the allowable size of jobs on AIX/370 if
the Virtual machine (VM) is an XA virtual machine (that is if /bin/xa370
returns 0).  Compile with the -xa option (actually you only need it during the
link phase).

Stephen C. Woods; UCLA SEASNET; 2567 BH;LA CA 90024; (213)-825-8614
UUCP: ...!{ibmsupt,hao!cepu}!ollie}!scw  Internet:scw at SEAS.UCLA.EDU 

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