AIX-RS6000 not bijective (Was "Re: Why no")

Marc Kwiatkowski {Host Software-AIX} marc at
Thu Apr 18 05:18:31 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr17.035222.18286 at> rtp1 at (raymond thomas pierrehumbert) writes:

   I notice that this group (now that I've finally found it!) basically
   serves the function of "comp.sys.r6000".  So why is it stuck under
   unix?  We have comp.sys.hp, not comp.unix.HPUX, and comp.sys.apollo,
   not comp.unix.DOMAIN.  What's the history here?  
       Is anybody interested in establishing and
   moving there?  

comp.unix.aix existed before AIXv3.  AIXv3 was developed
for RS6000, but there are other AIXen that run on other platforms,
and it is likely that AIXv3 will be ported to other platforms.

Over the past year the number of threads related to AIXv3 have increased
steadily.  Now it seems that they account for more than 90% of traffic
here.  However, very few threads are RS6000 specific.  The only one 
I can think of is M. Massa's questions and data regarding the RS6000's 
IOCC architecture and performance.  At this point IOCC operation is
almost exclusively of interest to AIXv3 driver writers, so even
that thread is not unappropriate here.

The group is probably the best place for RS6000
specific questions.  There has been some cross-posting between
this group and that.

I have sent my attempt at a taxonomy of AIXen to the copiler
of FAQ for this group.  
	Marc P. Kwiatkowski			Ultra Network Technologies
	Internet: marc at		101 Daggett Drive
	uucp: ...!ames!ultra!marc		San Jose, CA 95134 USA
	telephone: 408 922 0100 x249

	Sycophantic disclaimer:  "If the views expressed here are 
	objectionable to any reader, I will immediatly abandon them
	and deny any knowledge of ever having held them."
	Marc P. Kwiatkowski			Ultra Network Technologies
	Internet: marc at		101 Daggett Drive
	uucp: ...!ames!ultra!marc		San Jose, CA 95134 USA

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