Sendmail connecting to itself! Help?

Neil Rickert rickert at
Thu Apr 4 09:44:06 AEST 1991

In article <16986 at sunquest.UUCP> jew at (/87336) writes:
>Please help me with this problem if you can.  I am trying to get sendmail to
>send to other hosts on the internet.  I am running AIX PS/2 1.2 on a PS/2
>Model 70.  Everything works fine except outbound mail.  It seems that sendmail
>connects back to the same machine instead of the destination machine:

 Many versions of '' come set up so that you can easily define
a relay host.  I bet you defined yourself to be the relay host.

  Neil W. Rickert, Computer Science               <rickert at>
  Northern Illinois Univ.
  DeKalb, IL 60115                                   +1-815-753-6940

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