How do I set up a terminal on a serial port (AIX3.1.3002)?

Robin Wilson robin at pensoft.uucp
Thu Apr 11 00:20:27 AEST 1991

In article <10976 at> fredrick at (Tim Fredrick) writes:
>For modem communications, we need to use tip.  Here is how I've tried to
>set it up:
>     1. Cable from port 5 to the terminal or modem

I assume the IBM provided cable?

>     2. smit tty, add a tty, 8-port Asych adapter EIA-232, port 5
>        enable logins, 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bit characters, XON-XOFF yes,
         what is this set to?  ENABLE = getty locks the port.
                               SHARE  = wait for carrier to lock port.
                               DELAY  = wait for "character" to lock port.
                               DISABLE= Do not start getty, no lock on port.

>        terminal type DUMB, stty on run time [hupcl,cread,brkint,icrnl,opost,
>        tab3,onclr,isig,icanon,echo,echoe,echok,echoctl,echoke,imabel,iexten],
>        and stty attributes on login [cread,echoe,cs8,ixon,ixoff,clocal]
         None of the "stty attributes" (either for "login" or "run time") 
         will ever be set until you start a getty.  The "login" attributes
         will be set while getty is running, but should get unset when
         the port is disabled.  (Hence, none of these will affect "tip"
         unless you are trying to use the port "bi-directionally".)

>    3.  Step 3 has created tty4.
>    4.  In smit, configure a tty
>    5.  chmod 666 /dev/tty4

         Should not be required.

>    6.  echo hello > /dev/tty4 doesn't echo anything to a wyse-75 I
>        attach to the port, whether I use the
>        straight through cable or with pins 2 and 3 switched.

          For a terminal you will need the "IBM Modem eliminator" or a
          "NULL MODEM" cable.  For a modem you will need a standard IBM
          serial "MODEM" cable.

>    7.  tip returns the message "link down" when trying to use the port.

         The "tip" facility requires "carrier detect" be held high before
         you can access the port.  To use this port with a "modem" I suggest
         you try "cu".  Add an entry in "/usr/lib/uucp/Devices" that reads:

                     Direct tty4 - Any direct

         and use the command: "cu -ltty4 -s<speed>" (where <speed> is
         the bps you want to use to call the remote system).

>    8.  kermit -l /dev/tty4 -b 9600 just hangs.

         My guess is the "Carrier Detect" problem that "tip" has, but I
         never used kermit, so I don't know for sure.

>Can anyone provide any insight? Has anyone successfully attached a modem who
>will tell me exactly with their smit settings where and how they set it up
>to use tip?  Of course I feel as if I've tried everything at this point :-).

Use the "default" SMIT settings.  Set carrier detect to "always on" on the 
modem.  This should work with "tip", but it will mess up "bi-directional"
modem use (dial-in/dial-out) because "getty" uses "Carrier Detect" to 
figure out when the remote modem has made a connection, and setting it to
"always on" will confuse getty.

If this info doesn't solve your problems, mail me for a complete doc on setting
up modems on the RS/6000.

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