User Directories
Julie A. Levell
julie at
Tue Apr 30 02:10:05 AEST 1991
In article <709 at> somsky at (William R. Somsky) writes:
>With the '/usr' partition sucking up almost the entire hard-drive on
>installation, is there really any good reason for putting users on a
>seperate '/u' partiton? I've heard suggestions of soft-linking '/u' or
>'/u/<username>' to directories on '/usr', but can anyone think of a
>reason that I wouldn't want to just put all users DIRECTLY on the
>'/usr' partition, say, in something like '/usr/u', and modify
>'/etc/passwd' to match? (Is it perhaps that SMIT insists on putting
>users in'/u'?)
>Any comments on this matter?
No, smit (or mkuser) will let you put home directories where ever you
like. You should also check out /etc/security/mkuser.sys
which creates the user's home directories, etc.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
> W R Somsky
Julie A. Levell IBM Austin, Texas Internet: julie at
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