Paging Space allocation of RS6000
Geoff Coleman
geoff at edm.uucp
Wed Apr 17 05:47:53 AEST 1991
In article <6699 at awdprime.UUCP> julie at (Julie A. Levell) writes:
>In article <1991Apr16.041508.12953 at> lixj at (Xiaojian Li) writes:
>>disk hdisk0 has been partitioned into / /usr /tmp. We have about 100MB
>>free on /usr, so we decided to free it up and get a partition out of it.
You have to turn off the error daemon before you can unmount /usr!
>>Is there any crucial file on /usr that it is not allowed to be touched?
>>What will happen if I don't have /usr filesystem? (that needs to be the
>>case, I may backup entire /usr, then distroy it, repartition, then restore).
>Well, usually the reason it won't let you unmount it is because /usr
>contains the messages, so if you have your LANG variable set to
>En_US then it has the catalogs in /usr/lpp/msg/En_US open.
Unless these are in active use the O/S shouldn't care !!!
>Also, if you don't have a /usr then you could run into problems in
>booting because /usr/lpp/fonts contains the fonts for the hft and
>/usr/bin/odmget is used at boot time to determine what the key
>position is that tells diagnostics to run or not. We've seen this problem
>before and it usually leads to a c99 in the LED.
>I would recommend shutdown -m after you've changed your LANG variable.
Why is odmget in /usr if it is necessary to the booting of the machine
AIX must be the only UNIX where you need to have /usr accessible in order
to boot it. The explanation from IBM was that they were add ons to the OS
so they should be in /usr (I believe there are more O/S critical files
than just odmget in /usr).
Geoff Coleman
>Julie A. Levell IBM Austin, Texas Internet: julie at
>IBMNET: JULIEL at AUSVMQ 4C-29/994 SpeakNet: 823-5178 (Tie 793-5178)
>"Let's use the ODM Interface" Commander William Riker STTNG "The Nth Degree"
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