nntp, rrn, Bnews/Cnews

root roott at research.cc.flinders.edu.au
Thu Jan 24 12:13:41 AEST 1991

We are trying to set up our news system to receive news via NNTP 
(Network News Transfer Protocal) on one of our machines and read it
remotely via RRN (Read Remote News) from the others.  We currently use
Bnews but I do not mind switching to Cnews if it will work.

We have had partial success:  I can read news remotely from our ENCORE on
to the RS6000.  My problem comes when I try to read news remotely between
two RS6000. To be more specific I can read the articles but not scan the 
tittles.  Also NNTP does not see the correct group list numbers.

I believe my problem is somehow related to the history file used by NNTP 
and Bnews. Most likely I have set this up wrong. There are a number of
possible options: USG history files, DMB, or NDBM. 

Has any one done this successfully?

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