problem with xterm on RS6000NN
Chin Fang
fangchin at leland.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jun 25 08:59:23 AEST 1991
In article <1991Jun24.202647.28977 at>, allender at (Mark Allender) writes:
|> I just installed the X11R4 clients on our IBM RS/6000 machines. Everything seems
|> fine except for the xterm. When logging in on console, and starting X, the xterm
|> specified by my .xinitrc comes up just fine, but the terminal control seems really
|> messed up. I do not get a normal CR/LF sequence after hitting return. My term looks
|> something like as follows:
|> 14:02:40 14 meibm2 ~/bin
|> >>>
|> 14:03:40 14 meibm2 ~/bin
|> >>>
|> 14:04:43 14 meibm2 ~/bin
|> >>>
|> These seperate prompts coming after hitting return. This seems like a terminfo
|> problem. So after getting a terminfo entry for xterm, and using tic to compile
|> it, my problems still remain. (Note, that this is a true xterm, and not that
|> darn aixterm ibm invented.). I'm sure that I am missing something probably pretty
|> obvious, but have torn myself up over this.
|> Any hints or suggestions?????
Sigh... You are not alone. However, I have a working "kludge" which works around
this problem (you see more below. Grrrrr!) An except from our system.twmrc is given below:
[Use the same "kludge" in your .twmrc or .tvtwmrc]
------------------------------ part of our system .xinitrc ----------------------
# setup path to standard X11R4 standard fonts and a few IBM fonts as well
xset fp $FD1/misc,$FD1/75dpi,$FD1/100dpi,$FD1/xtex,$FD2
if [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ]; then
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
xrdb -load /usr/local/scripts/Xresources
xdpyinfo | grep -s "1 plane"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
$nxb/xsetroot -solid SkyBlue3 -cursor \
$bitmap/left_ptr $bitmap/left_ptrmsk
$nxb/xsetroot -grey -cursor $bitmap/left_ptr $bitmap/left_ptrmsk
xterm -name console -T Console -e csh -f -c 'reset; exec tcsh'&
xclock &
xload &
xbiff &
# Also make my cursor invisible whenever I am pondering over something
#unclutter -grab &
# Now call up a big terminal for work
(sleep 5; xterm -g 80x55-0-0 -sb -cr red -T 'Local XTerm' -e csh -f -c 'rese
t; exec tcsh') &
if [ ! -d $HOME/supplies ]
echo "$LOGNAME\n1\n1" | /usr/lpp/X11/bin/xdtnewuser > /dev/null
# exec twm
exec tvtwm
# exec mwm
echo "You are using a unknown system!"
exit 160
------------------------------- end of .xinitrc excerpt --------------------------
If you don't have tcsh, you might want to get it and build it. No hassle at all.
For the time being, just change tcsch to csh, that will do too.
I use tvtwm from (dir contrib) I think it's nicer than the
plain twm :-) [only two lines needed to be changed to build a working version.
fairly easy]
Hope the above helps.
Chin Fang
Student Unix System Adminstrator
Academic Information Resources
Stanford University
grad student
Mechanical Engineering Department
Stanford University
fangchin at
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