Control NFS exported filesystems
Marc Wiz
marc at
Wed Jun 19 05:12:41 AEST 1991
In article <91169.000329CALT at SLACVM.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU>,
> By exprience, I learned that mounting NFS filesystems by the
> hard/foreground options may cause the machines hanging, while
> by the soft/backgroud options seems to work OK.
To put it mildly this is not a good thing to do. Remember if you mount the
filesystem soft the client process will get an error after three
retries. If your
application can handle this fine but I have to wonder how many applications
can not. If you care about your data I recommend hard mounts. At least when
the server/network comes back up the data will be written/read to/from
the server.
> Here comes a problem: If some machine DOES mount my exported filesystems
> by the hard/foreground optins, it may cause my machines hanging. Is there
> any way to configure my exporting filesystems as follows:
> Only the machines which use the soft/backgronud options will be allowed
> to use my exported filesystems.
The mount options are controlled from the client. The server has no control
over this.
What are you trying to accomplish?
Marc Wiz MaBell (512)823-4780
NFS/NIS Change Team
Yes that really is my last name.
The views expressed are my own.
marc at
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