"rdump" only writes half as much data as "backup"
Mark R. Ludwig
mrl at uai.com
Fri Jun 14 08:22:33 AEST 1991
In article <HENKEL%NEPJT.91Jun12234846 at nepjt.ncsuvx.ncsu.edu>, henkel%nepjt (Chuck Henkel) writes:
>backup -0 -b 126 -f - /u | rsh rs2 dd of=/dev/rmt0 obs=126
>The dd dies immediately with "invalid argument to system call" or
>somesuch. In fact, I can't get dd to write on the tape at all.
I *do* hope you mistyped your post and had
or something more than 126 bytes! On the other hand, I tried this and
dd: 0511-053 The write failed.
: Invalid Argument
so maybe you did. In that case, I suggest you try a larger blocksize.$$
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