Help with CPP woes
gt3852a at prism.gatech.EDU
Fri May 3 23:49:16 AEST 1991
In article <carl.671430432 at probitas> carl at (Carl Lewis) writes:
>AIX's poor old cpp gives up the ghost about three macro levels down.
>Unfortuantely I cannot repeat the bug with a simple test case.
>xlc, bsdcc , cc all fail at various stages with both the inbuilt
>and external cpp (/lib/). I've even tried /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/util/cpp !
>, further than that I've tried porting BSD4.3 cpp which doesn't
>work either. (it doesn't understand #elif :-( ).
>Does anyone have a solution in the way of flags or non brain dead cpp
>source ?
>Carl, Programmer (etc) with University of Tasmania
AIX does not support more than 16 nested #include and 32 nested
#infdef. This may sound reasonable for a human programmer. It's
very hard to imagine an average human mind going for that many
levels of nested operations. Unfortunately, some of the programs
are created by generators, that's the case of object-oriented
programs with inheritance. In such programs, it's easy to end up
generating programs with VERY deep nested levels.
The way to solve this problem is to modify your CPP. To do that
you need to get the source for a CPP (I suggest the one that comes
with MOTIF 1.1) and change the constants of NESTED_IFDEF and
NESTED_INCLUDE to a large value (I suggest 64). Then remake CPP
and use the new copy of CPP to preprocess your programs.
Hope this helps
-Nasr Belkeir, Georgia Institute of Technology
Nasr E. Belkeir, belk at
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!gt3852a
Internet: gt3852a at
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