3005 bugs
root at uuneon.pub.uu.oz.au
Mon May 20 00:31:43 AEST 1991
In Article 363 of comp.unix.aix Ross M. Dickson writes:
>I find that occasionally mwm "changes state" so that I've got to click
>on the window frame rather than the window in order to activate it.
>One time it even changed back after behaving that way for a few minutes.
>I've not been able to find anything I'm doing that correlates with this
>change of behaviour.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the old 'numlock' problems
that mwm had. Early on, mwm would do funny things to the mouse buttons
if you had numlock set on on another virtual terminal and hotkeyed
to it on the hft, then returned to your X session. If you did it again,
the problem went away, till you did it again ... see if this makes
any sense in what you are doing.
Regards from Down Under.
* Peter May
* Senior AIX Software Service Representative, IBM Australia,
* Voice Net: (w) 61-2-662-9554 (h) 61-2-747-4273
* IBM INTERNET: au0005 at ausvmq.austin.ibm.com
* PUBNET OZ: peter at uuneon.pub.uu.oz.au
* UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!ibmchs!auschs!ausvmq!au0005
* #include <std_disc.h>
* I DO NOT SPEAK FOR IBM! I am capable of producing enough
* garbage on my own without the help of my Employer!
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