Setting uninitialized values to NaN in a Fortran program

Bradley T. Freese freese at
Wed May 15 05:53:13 AEST 1991

bowman at (Kenneth P. Bowman) writes:

> I have an ugly Fortran code that I am porting to my 6000/320.  I would like
> to set all data values not initialized in data statements to NaN in the
> hope of generating error messages if uninitialized variables are used.  At
> present, variables are apparently initialized to zero by the loader.  I
> have searched the xlf and ld commands for an option to set uninitialized
> variables to NaN, but have been unable to find anything.  Anyone out there
> have any sugestions?

No, there is no method to tell AIX to initialize your data segments to

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