Update 3005
Jon Alperin
jona at iscp.Bellcore.COM
Thu May 9 01:39:01 AEST 1991
In article <28447 at hydra.gatech.EDU>, scott at prism.gatech.EDU (Scott Holt) writes:
|> In article <2826DF67.4178 at tct.com> chip at tct.com (Chip Salzenberg) writes:
|> >I called IBM Support yesterday. I have 3005 today.
|> >
|> >If you didn't get it, and you want it, *ask*.
|> The published completion date for autoship on the original 3.1.5 announcement
|> was April 26th. Well, that has long since passed.
IBM's marketing/CE/SE's should have been able to tell you that shipment
has stopped to fix bugs found in the 3.1.5 version shipped as pre-loads.
|> I know this sounds real critical, but I have to say that this is one of
|> the few things I don't like about IBM. I think (hope) most of it will
|> get fixed as the RS6000 product line and its support structures mature.
|> I do have one suggestion, however, for the folks who make these releases:
|> SLOW DOWN. We got our machines in October 90...since then there have
|> been 3 cumulative updates and 2 supplemental updates. Each time I
|> get the last of our machines updated (I personally have 5 to take care
|> of), its time for another update. Yes, I have ignored some updates just
|> to keep my sanity, but I don't like to do this.
I hate to differ, but.......Being involved in a large scale development
shop with 100's of users, it would be next to impossible to manage 100's of
patches, each one being different (Yeah...I know...I had asked IBM for single
fixes before...but I had a different reason in mind). The complaint that I
have is that IBM does not publish information on non-mandatory upgrades. Many of
the bugs we were looking at were fixed in the 2004 release (which no one knows about until someone calls defect support. The I end up trying to figure out which problems were fixed in that release, and which one I still need to report and get single fixes for.......
|> - Scott
|> --
|> This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
|> Scott Holt Internet: scott at prism.gatech.edu
|> Georgia Tech UUCP: ..!gatech!prism!scott
|> Office of Information Technology, Technical Services
Jon Alperin
Bell Communications Research
---> Internet: jona at iscp.bellcore.com
---> Voicenet: (908) 699-8674
---> UUNET: uunet!bcr!jona
* All opinions and stupid questions are my own *
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