disk quota

Randy Cetin cetin at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Tue May 14 04:59:28 AEST 1991

Is there a way to inforce disk quotas on an IBM RS6000 ????

I manage a network of IBM RS6000 workstations, it consits of 3 model 520
servers and about 50 model 320 workstations.  The 320 workstations get most 
everthing (home directories application programs etc.) via NFS mounts from
the servers.  We also user YP oops NIS to manage the 1500 user accounts on our
network (that's a problem I will write about in another note).  Of these 
1500 users there are more than a few who tend to use more than their fair share
of disk space.  

I don't know a lot about disk quotas, but I thought it was a standard feature
of most all unix systems.  Anyway I tried as best I could to find out about
disk quotas on the IBM RS6000.  Well, it dosen't exist.  I called the software 
defect support center and inquired about "disk quotas", but they didn't really
no what I was talking about. (after all there can't be a problem with something
if it doesn't exist in the first place.)

So, I was hoping that someone out on the "net" might know more than I about
the availability of "disk quotas" for the IBM RS6000. (or something that might
work in place of "disk quotas".

Thanks in advance

Randy Cetin
University of Illinois

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