How can I get 3005 for AIX 3.1 fast?
Chin Fang
fangchin at elaine54.Stanford.EDU
Mon May 27 04:49:06 AEST 1991
Could someone please tell me how can I get 3005 patch without going thru
local IBM reps? Here normally my boss's boss takes care of getting patches,
but nowadays we are undergoing reorganization so obviously OS patching has
a *really* low priority. Yet to me, it's urgent, since with current 3003,
things are so unstable and frequently after hours debugging sessions, I found
it's not things that I was porting at fault. Really frustrating indeed.
Is it possible to get 3005 patch directly from someone at IBM? I would
appreciate it very much if someone could provide me some leads, eg phone #,
person to contact, email addresses etc. I don't even know who is our SE (and
what SE stands for anyway? sales engineer? You got to be kidding :-)
I am just a lowly student SA, so many things are beyond my control. But at
least I can patch my own development machine I guess.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Chin Fang
Mechanical Engineering Department
Stanford University
fangchin at
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