logging off from an Xstation 120

W. W. Looi looi at sutro.SFSU.EDU
Fri May 17 14:55:17 AEST 1991

In article <763 at rufus.UUCP> drake at drake.almaden.ibm.com writes:
>An XStation 120 will "log off" when the last client goes away.  When the server
>has no clients, it will reset itself and will put up a new window with a 
>"login" prompt.
>Don't forget the window manager ... you have to kill it, too.

xkill -all will blow off all xclients and prompt you with the login
prompt again. I tweaked the /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/clients/xkill a little
to include a myni widget for exit confirmation and included it in my
rootmenu. It works on Xstation and on hft/console.

Btw, does anyone know how to make the login window a fullscreen (like
the console login prompt) and reduce it to a smaller window (says,
-geometry 80x20+1+1) upon invoking Motif window manager? Anyone who is 
familiar with Sun's environment know I am talking about.


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