Porting C-News to AIX V3
Christophe Wolfhugel
wolf at grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
Thu May 30 03:18:07 AEST 1991
In article <1991May29.151237.8329 at ioe.lon.ac.uk> andrew at uxm.sm.ucl.ac.uk writes:
>I've seen various discussions about the (un)suitability of RS6000's for running
>news recently, but has anyone actually successfully managed to port the C-News
>distribution to AIX V3.1? We had a go at putting it up recently, but ran into
A patch for C-News is available by anonymous ftp at host
grasp2.univ-lyon1.fr ( in directory /unix/news/c-news
Hope it can help some people (I run it since a while).
Christophe Wolfhugel | Email: wolf at grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr
INSA - Dpt Informatique | "Le progres ne vaut que s'il est partage par tous,"
Lyon, France | "les greves aussi. Hassan Cehef: c'est penible!"
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