3005: /usr/lpp/info/PShead oops
Paul Lindner
lindner at cs.umn.edu
Sat May 18 00:39:01 AEST 1991
In <1991May16.204637.9063 at dartvax.dartmouth.edu> paw at eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Pat Wilson) writes:
>I noticed a (potentially _very_ annoying) "typo"
>in a file pulled from the 3005 distribution tape (I got the tape
>direct from the Defect line - my autoship hasn't shown up yet). The
>first line of the file /usr/lpp/info/data/PShead (should be the header
>sent to a PostScript file) is "%" rather than "%!". The "%!" in the first
>line of a file tells PostScript to process the following data rather
>than to assume it's text - without the "%!", the file is treated as
>I called Defect Support, and they agreed that this _was_ a bug, which
>should be fixed in 3006 (APAR IX15857). You, of course, can fix PShead
>yourself - just edit the file. IBM thought that the incorrect PShead
>was only a problem with _remote_ printers, and that locally attached
>printers would be fine, but...
Well you had better luck than me. I called IBM defect support about
something quite similar. Info has it's own postscript header that it
appends to it's output. I let defect support know about it and how
it would be really nice if they changed it to %! Well they agreed
that it was a problem. However they told me that they would DOCUMENT the
problem, and not fix it. sheesh. One stupid character.
|Paul Lindner |lindner at boombox.micro.umn.edu |"You have to spit
|University of |U of Minn. ACM President | to see the shine..."
|Minnesota MWNC |I.T. Sun/HP Sysadmin | -- Babes in Toyland
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