Compiling kermit on the RS6000

Ed Ravin eravin at panix.uucp
Fri May 10 00:22:27 AEST 1991

In article <2770 at resource.Resource.COM> bryan at resource.Resource.COM
(Bryan M. Beck) writes:
>I just ftp'd kermit for RS6000's (AIX) from
>and I have a few questions for anyone who has done this successfully.
>I did get the ck4 version.
>I didn't see an RS6000 option in the make file.  

There's the problem -- you want ck5.  It's on watsun, in the /kermit/sw
directory.  That's the one that knows about RS6000, and it compiled and
worked fine for me on my Powerserver 530.  It is an alpha version, but
I didn't run into any problems with it.

>What is the proper system to make it for?
I was able to hack ck4 for the 6000 by using the SYS_V make option and
replacing the tty lock/unlock routines with calls to the AIX library
ttylock() and ttyunlock().  I still got errors about unable to set
exclusive use, but everything worked.

>/dev/tty1: A system call received an interrupt.
>Sorry, can't open line: A system call received an interrupt.
Do you have CNOTTY and O_NDELAY set in the open flags when kermit opens
a remote line?  This sounds similiar to why "tip" doesn't work with dialout

Ed Ravin            | I'm sorry, sir, but POSTAL REGULATIONS don't allow
cmcl2!panix!eravin  | PLASTIC tape over PAPER tape and NYLON cord on an
philabs!trintex!elr | 86 inch girth to LITHUANIA...
+1 914 993 4737     |

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