Tape terror
Mark Brown
mbrown at testsys.austin.ibm.com
Tue May 21 04:37:27 AEST 1991
rbraun at spdcc.COM (Rich Braun) writes:
|ken at dillman.austin.vnet.ibm.com () writes:
|>Try changing the automatic retension feature of the tape drive to off
|>using SMIT. That should save you a great deal of time every time you
|>load a new tape.
|Thanks for posting this. I got several e-mail replies suggesting the
|same thing.
|A question for IBM: why _in the world_ would a company put out a product
|which by default would do such a thing? It really makes the system seem
Because new, "un-tensioned" tapes can cause problems. If I were to read the
little piece of paper that I throw away after unwrapping a brand-new
tape, I'd find something like "please unwind and rewind the tape before
use", otherwise known as "preconditioning".
Given IBM's predilection for trying to do everything *for* the customer,
it's no surprise to me that retensioning is the default.
Perhaps it shouldn't be....
Mark Brown IBM PSP Austin, TX. (512) 823-3741 VNET: MBROWN at AUSVMQ
MAIL: mbrown at testsys.austin.ibm.com OR uunet!testsys.austin.ibm.com!mbrown
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