How do you change fonts on A/UX?

Michael Wang mouser at Portia.Stanford.EDU
Tue Aug 23 14:10:14 AEST 1988

Is there anyway to add more fonts to the A/UX System file?  I would like to
add a better version of the Monaco font that has a zero with a slash
through it and a lowercase l ('L') that doesn't look like an uppercase I
('i').  I tried copying the file /usr/lib/mac/System onto a floppy and
modifying the System file with the Font/DA Mover, but when I copied the new
file back to the A/UX system, the program term didn't recognize the new font
changes.  I think part of the problem is that A/UX expects the System file to
be in Apple Single format while both the mfs program and the StarNine
Utilities package use the Apple Double format.  Anybody have any ideas?

-Michael Wang

| Michael Wang  |  Stanford University, Stanford, CA  94305                 |
| ARPAnet, CSNET, BITNET, Internet:  mouser at             |
| UUCP:  ...decwrl!!mouser          AppleLink:  ST0064   |

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